My favourite is... mine and G's. Partly because it's awesome, and partly because I really just love any chance to tell this story. Which, I guess, amounts to the same thing: I love to tell the story because it's awesome.
Sometime in mid-March this year,
garethness and
sugar_shrapnel were having a conversation over Twitter about de-cluttering. I was following Alex at the time and happened to read their tweets to each other (this was before Twitter stopped letting you see @replies between one person you follow and one person you don't). So, I decided to follow G as he looked interesting. A couple of days later, he was bitching about how all his MSN contacts were really boring and he was purging his list. I sent him a message offering my e-mail address as someone hopefully new and interesting to talk to. He added me, and we started talking.
We spent the next week or so talking pretty much non-stop whenever we had a chance. This is unusual for me - I was barely using MSN anymore as I'd found it increasingly difficult to hold conversations with most people on there. We were talking and texting and getting along brilliantly, aside from one fight where he was assuming that because I'm a Psychology student I'm going to be analysing him constantly and finding ways to manipulate him and screw him over. Granted, I can be quite analytical and I retain a vast amount of information about people. That's why I'm going into Psychology. But that doesn't mean I'm going to use it against people, that's just not who I am. Anyway, I digress...
So, one fateful Tuesday evening (St. Patrick's Day, it was), around ten days after we first started talking extensively, I was feeling all affection-starved and sent him an innocent text saying I really wanted a cuddle. In what started out as a joke, he replied saying he'd gladly come and provide if I wanted. The conversation continued in this vein until neither of us were sure if we were kidding anymore. It turns out, we weren't. He got in the car at about 23:30 and drove 116 miles from his house to mine, to provide me with a cuddle at 02:30. It was freezing cold, and I wasn't wearing any socks, but we spent the next three hours wandering around the park near my house, sitting on a bench and cuddling and talking, and sitting in his car and talking more. I snuck back into my house at about 06:00 and pretended to get up for college at 06:30. By this point, G had already realised he wasn't going to get back to Leicester in time for college, so he was waiting for me in the park. Under the pretence of leaving for college, I left and met up with him and we wandered around until 08:00 when everyone would have left my house for work/school and we could snooze on my sofa. Unfortunately, my mother drives to work the way that we were walking, so she saw us, but she wasn't bothered. I wasn't really worried about her so much as the look I'd get from my stepdad bringing a strange boy back into my house at 08:00 in the morning! I explained to mother later, anyway. So yeah, we cuddled up on the sofa at about 08:00 and fell asleep. The rest of the day was spent cuddling, eating toast and watching TV, until he left at 16:00. It was a fucking mint day, but it felt so frickin' surreal the whole time.
And, for the record, I didn't even get a kiss until he came back up (on the train this time) on Friday of the following week. Apparently he wasn't sure if I liked him. Sigh.
In other news, thank you so much for all your questions :3 If anyone has any to add, I'd do it soon because I'm going to make a start on this handwritten entry to answer them sometime over the next couple of days. Saying that, though, I have no idea how I'm going to fit them all into one entry. Some of them require pretty lengthy answers. Should I split them over two handwritten entries? Good idea, y/n? Input appreciated, it's you who has to read it xD
Oh, and thanks to everyone who offered their support re: family stuff. I've decided to just ignore both my brother and his girlfriend. I don't think they'll even notice. Fuck it.