Jan 25, 2011 22:33
Dear Me,
The fact that you dearly wish S would pick you up so you could go to the R.E. with her and seek out New Guy (location known thanks to facebook) so you could either kick him in the shins violently and/or look absolutely fabulous and then talk to him and then proceed to flirt outrageously with hot cricketers probably indicates that you're not as okay with how everything's worked out as you seem to like pretending.
Please build a bridge and get over it. Physical assault is an arrestable offence.
Me Now.
It seems to be that I cannot take basically anything of my own dramaz seriously. Ever. I have to make light of everything and just pretend that I'm so awesome I just Do Not Care. Sometimes I pretend enough to briefly convince myself I don't care. Sadly, I suppose that means I do care at least some of the time. It's probably understandable to be upset about all this; my last (and only other) relationship was long and ended badly, and I don't really want to be rejected like I seem to have been. I was not able to be proactive in the last relationship, I had no idea even what was going on really. So now I have issues with leaving things up to other people.
CONCLUSION: I have issues.
new guy,
being stupid