I've been reading about modernism and how historically informed performance styles relate and don't relate to it, and omg so much about philosophy and I hate reading pure philosophy because it bores the hell out of me and man is it hard to understand a lot of the time. So yay. Because my brain is having issues reading words that are normally nouns as verbs, I present: omg what I've been wearing to uni.
Don't Ask Amanda oversized shirt
Neon Hart trashed denim shorts
Dotti black tank top
Agent 99 black bone bracelet
Dissh super huge ankh necklace
I am very good at pulling terrible faces.
And today:
Agent 99 grey drapey tank tied in a knot
Lee washed black denim shorts
OMG THE EXCITEMENT. Or not. I have problems with dressing for uni in summer. Mostly, this is because I have to wear my chucks as I walk home so I don't want to destroy any of my pairs of wedges. Another problem is that I definitely have to wear flats because otherwise my shorts become indecent. Then you have to make sure you look not overtly feminine with the short shorts because otherwise you get too many catcalls and whatevs. And things.