Mar 25, 2010 23:02
La la la meaningless.
Michael is being unresponsive. In that, I don't mean he's ignoring me. He promptly replies to my messages, which is good and all, but I just get the feeling that he's keeping me at arms length. It makes me feel slightly uncomfortable, but I try not to let on because confronting him about it will only lead to him getting defensive, me saying "are you sure this isn't because I'm single now and there was all that unresolved stuff between us that you've conveniently "forgotten" about" and then everything going to hell. I mean, I get it. He has a long-term girlfriend who actually is awesome. That's fine. I'm willing to never act on any non-friend feeling I ever have, that's just the compromise I made. I'd rather have his friendship. But still. I don't know, it's just awkward.
On Monday I had lunch with Lisa and Berni which was good. Since then, I hadn't seen anyone until tonight when my brother and Jen dropped by after shopping. They got me Pikachu slippers! SO. CUTE. Earlier today I went out to buy Pokemon SoulSilver, because apparently being 24 hasn't lessened the lure of a new (well, reissue) Pokemon game. ^_^ I tried to buy some tea from T2 as well, but they still didn't have any boxes of the Citrus Punch tea I wanted, so the sales assistant gave me two full sample bags of it. The sales assistants are always really nice there, and I've been putting in more of an effort to be nice to SAs. Apparently it pays off occasionally.
Tomorrow am going to grandparent's house for the weekend, then at night am going out for dinner with Lisa and Ben which should be good. Am considering going to the NRL football on Sunday night with brother and Jen, on the basis that if I'd not normally consider doing something and it doesn't interfer with my morals then I probably should give it a go. The main problem is it costs money, and money is something that is not being my friend lately due to paying my yearly bill for the PO Box and a rather large mobile phone bill this week.
weekend news,
being awesome,