
Jan 31, 2006 14:59

So basically right now I look as if I have been beaten by some very large people. It is rather funny though because I fall all the time but this time was pretty bad...at least the pain is going away, I would post pictures but it might freak you all out plus I am not too sure how to do that well anyway here is an update on the past few days
So the start of my month was rather rocky, and most of intersession was actually nice, though it was quiet it was nice, especially time spent with Megan and Paul, and the occational visit with Wray and Isabel and of course Julie and Rachel! But the past few day have been just wonderful!!! I went to Berkeley where I had two lovely days with Wray and Isabel who were wonderful in helping me find a last minute dinner party dress! Where I found the absolutely most beautiful shoes...thank you Wray. Also had a wondersul night sleep in a comfortable bed, Isabel makes a good sleep companion!! So after an already great two days I go to see my sister who earlier that day informed me that I was going to a nice dinner party and then a club after dinner to celebrate Damon White's (a guy who has something to do with several record labels and owns this private club we are going to after) birthday, I thought well...this sounds interesting. Well I get to the resturant, after changeing twelve times, called frisson http://www.frissonsf.com/, which was beautiful and meet some interesting very wealthy people who made me rather nervous. But it was all great the food was amazing my sisters boyfriend John was super nice and Damon was a wonderfully nice person as well. Also I met a very nice british doctor who I talked to about many different things and he never made me fel as if I was young or strange even though everyone thier was over 30 and he and most of the people there were married. Later I go to the club Otis, which was absolutely beautiful as well and I found out you must be invited to go to. I am not usually into this exclusive superficial stuff but the people I met in combination with the atmosphere was great most of the people there were artists and those who were the socialite types did not speak to me so it was all and all a perfect evening. The fallowing day my sister and I spent the day together we got breakfast at cafe international on Height street (corner of filmore and Haight) it hsa the best coffee and food, then went to Macy's to spend the gift cards we recieved from my brother for christmas. I bought a shirt and jeans for 23 dollars. It was such a great few days!1! I hope this is a trend for the year. Not so much the exclusive parties but just haveing a good time!! I aslso met a great grafiti artist who lives with my sisters boyfriend and his work is just amazing his name begins qith a V and is hard to spell..but he was nice too...A great few days Hopefully this will be a great year!

Good luck to all this year I hope it is good for everyone!

Also I hope to have a spendid time this year with all my friends because it seems as though many are parting ways next year!
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