Apr 23, 2008 09:10
Yesterday wasn't super abnormal...for a normal day.
I mean, I did swim on my lunch break (which MUST have something to do with the great mood I'm in today), and I'm looking forward to doing it again today.
I got my normal amount of sleep (somewhere around 6 hours), but for some reason it really hit the spot.
Dinner last night was really good, for some reason. We had ricotta and spinach ravioli with a tomato basil sauce (that was SO good). It will most likely be a repeat. :)
We all watched a neat show on the Discovery Channel, 'The Alaska Experiment', last night that I really enjoyed. Chad was pestering me to sit down with him and watch it while I was working on character sheets, but I'm glad I did. I didn't get some of the stuff I needed to get done for Gateways finished, but I'll work on it today, and finish it up when I get home before the game (which is going to prove to be...interesting. Poor Wednesday night group; they just can't seem to have a 'normal' game! :)
Amanda has got the 'move out of state' bug. Chad and I always have the 'move out of state' bug, so the pairing of her and us aren't so good. Luckily we are in a 14 month lease, so we can't do anything until it is over. BUT, I did take a little quiz last night about what I like as my surroundings and what I like in my environment, and apparently I'm a North West girl. According to this test, I should be North....either far West or far East.
I've always wanted to go to Maine, but it was a hard sell on Chad and Amanda. I guess I'll just get to vacation there....sometime. So, the only place we could all agree on together was Missoula Montana. Chad has been before and said it was a not so suck ass version of Seward. Like, it was all the 'awesome of Alaska' without the 6 months of 18 hours of darkness. So, yeah. Sounds like a plan. Sorta.
Nobody freak out yet. We're still working on Gateways. We are here for at least 14 months. All three of us are still paying off debt and saving money. Now, it just could be a possibility that all that saved money will be for us moving. :) *shrugs* We'll see. First things first. Gateways first. Everything else is second.
Life is funny like that, I guess. A few months ago, Chad and I had the big 'family' talk. I'm 24 years old, and Chad is 26. Chad and I both have stable jobs, we're happily married, and things are going well for us (hopefully I didn't just jinx myself!!). I don't want to be an 'old parent'. I want to be young when I have children, young enough to be active and do things with them. And I want to be able to enjoy the later half of my life with Chad, having raised children. We're both on the same page. Yay!
So, without divulging too much information about our business plan, we've decided on a set 'number' of attempts to make this game happen. I'm 99.99% sure that the first attempt will work...but there are some fail safes in there just in case. Either way, we've both decided that we want to work towards the goal of having children within the next couple of years, and Chad is toying with the idea of getting a job certificate in the field he is in (or one he is interested in) to ensure job stability and income for a family. But until our deadline, we're to give Gateways our all.
I'm very proud of him. The product that he has built has turned out beautiful. He has set deadlines for himself that he always meets with flying colors, and things are coming right along. His work ethic is impeccable, and I can't wait to see it when its all done and its paid off. Just a few more months of hard work...it will have been 4 years when the deadline arrives, and if we can get everything on our list to accomplish completed, it will be (easily) the best in the market. I'm both thrilled and excited, not just because I want to see it finished, but because I want him to see it finished....does that make since?
Ramblings....sorry. :)
Its the good mood I guess. Its almost like everything has a 'nothing is impossible' glow.... :)