every little thing is gonna be alright

Jul 07, 2009 21:13

I have a major bitch of a headache right now most probably from my lack of sleep last night. I fell asleep almost midnight and was awaken by some asshole couple fighting and making lots of noise at the void deck. And out of habit I decided to check my Twitter and well, I couldn't go back to sleep after that.

I don't know, you guys. I've never had any of my favourite bands broken up before so I was seriously not prepared for this shit. Just yesterday i was listening to them on shuffle and IWSNT came on and I was thinking, fuck, I love this stupid band so much and then I get THIS news the same night and I was like dude WHUT?! I mean, so yeah I guess to some extend we kinda saw it coming or whatever since Ryan's been busy with his douche new friends and Jon making new music with Eric and Brendon and Spencer attending and doing everything together. But I guess I was too busy flailing over the whole Brendon and Spencer doing everything together part. LOL.

And I think it's a little confusing for us Brendon/Spencer shippers cos we'll be all OMGYAY OTP!! but at the same time it'll be like OMG PANIC BROKE UP WTF. Ok, so technically they didn't break up or whatever. Two members left the band but it's as good as them breaking up. It makes me really sad to think that they won't be making music together, esp Spencer and Ryan, but really, they split up in the best way possible cos hello, I get my OTP. It makes me feel so much better, as stupid and ridiculous it is.

Know what else made me feel better? Spencer's tweet of Bden's pic and his little message along with it. That, plus Pete totally providing us a link to the full version of Brendon singing 3 Little Birds. Ugh, Brendon's voice. My heart. Seriously, it made me feel so much better to know that they actually care for their fans. I couldn't be more appreciative. ♥

And omg, I was doing a really good job of not breaking down or whatever, right. Just some teary eyed here and there esp when Spencer posted that tweet. BUT THEN I COME BACK HOME AND READ DISARM_D POST AND I JUST. ;__; Although I think I seriously needed that. I feel so much better now.

Sometimes I feel so stupid and ridiculous that I let stupid things like this affect my life. But it's not stupid, right? It's perfectly normal to feel upset over it, right?? OMG I feel like a 12 year old, seriously. AND IF THIS WAS MCR INSTEAD. I don't even want to imagine the mess I'll be in. They better not be doing something stupid like this. Seriously. Idek.

Sorry, that was all tl;dr but I really needed to let it all out. BUT OMG BRENDON AND SPENCER, YOU GUYS. *__* I'M SO EXCITED!! I don't care what happens as long as I still get to hear Brendon sing. That's all that matters to me. And for Spencer to fully have his back and do music together. Cos they are such music nerds and are totally MFEO. It's gonna be so so awesome. \o/

patd, , lol pete, spencer smith the fifth, brendon fucking urie, brendon/spencer, :(((, my otp let me show you it

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