Jul 27, 2014 22:16
So I spent almost all day Friday calling around for info on Medi-cal. Pardon my language, but it was a clusterfuck. The two numbers listed on the official site under "contact us" don't work. One says "I'm sorry, you're calling from outside our calling area. Goodbye." And the other says "The voicemail box you've reached is full. Goodbye." It's always that way. So I called around and lost half a day of work. I've been waiting for 3 months for anything from them.
Guess what came in the mail Friday afternoon? Yep, you guessed it... My Medi-cal card.
Though I still have to jump through a few more hoops because currently, I'm on regular Medi-cal and it's horrible. I can sign up for one of two health plans and get back into therapy.
I really needed to get this taken care of because I HAVE to see a dentist soon. The antibiotics barely touched the infection, and I'm already in pain again today. I'm pretty sure it's tied to my filling which now hurts too. I'll call tomorrow after work and see about the health plans and getting into a dentist.
Can I just say yay for Obamacare? And no, I don't want to debate this and yes, some states aren't as nice as California...and yes, it's a pain in the ass and Medi-cal still has a long way to go before it's perfect... But I have medical and dental insurance. I can see a dentist for the first time in years. I can't believe I'm saying this, but I seriously can't wait to see the dentist. I've always taken great care of my teeth, and to go this long without seeing a dentist bothers me. Plus, the pain I'm in right now makes it an even bigger priority.
As expected, super busy weekend. I'm nearly done with the memoir I'm editing. From there, I have a few articles and a novella to write before digging into two full- length novels.
The Lexapro continues to go well. I decided to take it at night instead of in the morning. It has been making me a little sleepy. And when I nap, I lose hours. Like I turn off alarms, think I'm awake and lose time, it's messed up.
We took Annabelle to the dog beach this morning. Got up bright and early to avoid traffic, and well, we weren't the only ones who thought that. She had a blast, as usual. The water was really nice. The beach is where the Santa Ana river meets the ocean, so there are sections without waves. Anytime we'd go too deep, Annabelle would bark at us. She thinks she has to save us from ourselves, it's too cute. At one point, she the sand crumpled under her feet, taking her down a slope into shallow water. She tried jumping up the slope, but didn't jump high enough... So she hung there for a second before jumping back down. She came down to where the slope wasn't as high and did it again. It's hard to describe, but she looked so goofy. We had a good laugh at the silly puppy.
Well now I'm just rambling, and I need to get to bed. Busy days ahead of me. Back to the bookstore tomorrow.
via ljapp,