(no subject)

Jul 06, 2012 18:16

More good news...

Annabelle has been cleared to go to the dog park! The bandage can come off! It's only there now to keep her from licking because licking any part of the skin can cause an infection, the wound itself is fully healed.

Of course I worry about taking her to the dog park again. First of all, she's going to go crazy and I worry that she can still do some damage being her wild dingo self?

And second, I worry about more rattlesnakes. That's the only thing this could be. Costs Mesa isn't prone to them, but that's where she would have gotten bit... And it's rare, but not impossible. I worry there will be more snakes. So I guess I'll keep an eye on her even more now (I never let her out of my sight before or so I thought). I'll survey the area she's playing in for snake holes and just be more cautious.

I will keep it short and controlled, no really rough play like she normally does. The vet has never seen this big girl play; she's a rough dog. I've never met another who plays as hard as she does. And after a month and half of no playing? She's going to be a maniac.

But I'll keep it controlled as best I can.

I'm so excited that she's mostly in the clear and as long as she doesn't lick it, life can return to normal next week.

*fingers crossed*

I couldn't have done this without so many of you. Thank you.

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