(no subject)

Jul 05, 2012 15:36

Before the poll closes, I wanted to do a quick little rec list. Two of my good friends are in danger this week, and I think they wrote wonderful entries... They are alien_infinity and alleyalligator.

You can find their entries below (I'm on my phone, so HTML isn't easy, so bear with me).

alien_infinity wrote a fun fictional story about the afterlife... On a spaceship. Soul Pirates and all!


alleyalligator wrote a piece we can all relate to, I'm sure. About old memories and acquaintances who we may never forget.


A few other pieces I enjoyed are also below. Since I need to get to work, I'll just post the entries below for your reading pleasure. None of these appear to be in danger, but please read and vote for the ones you've enjoyed. At this stage, every vote counts!




Oh and I can't forget my amazing boyfriend java_fiend who wrote yet another creepy, horror story that just rocks. My sweetie is so talented, so check him out too.


Again, every vote counts, so please swing by and vote for your favorites. Only a few hours left to go and it's a tight race to the finish! Please read my entry as well, as I appreciate any and all support as well.

But please... Read and vote for the ones you like.

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