Mar 18, 2011 02:23

Ok, screw patriotism... IT'S RANT TIME!

I like Hetalia. Hetalia is the perfect fandom to splice with anything you could possibly think of: mythology, history, a thousand different genres and other fandoms, from Star Trek to Harry Potter to Naruto. It's an AU- and crossoverist's wet dream.
I also happen to like Doctor Who (something which makes the rest of my family twitch). I'm positive that a fusion, AU or crossover with the Whoniverse would be fantastic. You could have Canada as the Doctor's companion for a spell, England could be the 11th Doctor and America becomes his new companion and France is Capitain Jacques Arcnesse (or whatever) or even a simple fic where England and the Doctor are old friends (it could even be epic: Iggy and the Doctor meet continuously throughout history!).

So why, in the name of all that is sacred on God's green fucking Earth, is the only APH/Who fusion a fic where Jack hits on Iggy? Ok, di per se I have no problem with Jack with anyone except Gwen, because he's Jack Harkness (emphasis on the sexeh), but why is it FRUK!?!?!? EVEN WORSE, FRUK WITH GENDERBENT FRANCE!!! I don't like FrUk enough as it is, but before it left me indifferent. Now, I despise it with every fibre of my being.

Come on, you moronic people! Have you no imaginations? Have you no ideas? HAVE YOU NO TASTE!?!

There are not enough words in any language to express my entitled rage! BAKABAKABAKABAKABAKA EXTERMINATE!!! I know I sound like a spoilt brat, I know I sound irrational, but... Fuck, WHAT ARE YOU PEOPLE* DOING OUT THERE!?! Picking your noses!?!

Ok, fuck all this for a lark: tomorrow I'm writing a fic about Iggy and the Doctor as buds, with lots of UsUk references and Jack and France comparisons.

PS. I lack an icon that transmits the incredible sense of righteous fangirly RAEG!!! I am feeling right now. Fuck.

*Just whom these mysterious people may be is a moot point.

doctor who, rant, rage, hetalia, argh

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