Dec 25, 2011 01:59
There are some pairings I've given up trying to grin and bear. They make me feel a visceral, deep-rooted nausea. They make me physically sick, in a way completely antipodial to how my OTPs make me feel (which is a happiness and swelling of my heart I'm quite sure no RL relationship could make me feel). I realise I'm hugely overreacting over something as trivial as shipping, but I seriously can't help it. It's not some habit I can school myself to not do. It scares me, sometimes, but, really... It's physical.
In case anyone wonders what these pairings are:
- FrUk
- RusAme
- SpaBel
- RoBel
- FrSey
- UkSey
- Germancest
- Itacest
- Americest
- PruHun
- BelarUS
- England and America with anyone who isn't England and America in general
- Turkraine
- Spain and Romano who anyone who isn't each other
- Germany and Italy with anyone who isn't each other.
- America/Ukraine
- America/Vietnam
I also really hate Seychelles as a character. The other girls I either like or don't mind (minus Belarus whom I politely abide), but Seychelles... I just find her SO FUCKING ANNOYING.
I hate 98% of the Nyotalia nations. Especially Igiko. I despise Igiko.
I'm pretty sure it's not internalised misogyny, although... I don't actually dislike any of the male characters. :/ Well, Russia's probably my least favourite, but I don't dislike him.
Anyway... It is a long list. I've probably missed some pairings, actually. And yes, I am fully aware most of my Most Hated list is comprised of het pairings. I simply cannot get my head around someone like America or England having sex with a girl. Does not compute, especially with England.
In short, for me, THE NATIONS ARE GAY.
Unfortunately, Hetalia is a fandom packed full of absolutely abominable crack. Yeah. Great fandom to pick shipping in. It's worse than Harry Potter.
What brought this on? Something that seemed to be a well-written UsUk with beta couple Franada. Nope. Ends up FrSey. BACKBUTTONBACKBUTTONBACKBUTTON. God I really hate Seychelles and her stupid pigtails.
moody buggery,
thought spew