Bandom Big Bang 4/4

Jun 11, 2008 11:18

Brendon is hanging out with Spencer when the call comes.

They’ve spent a lot of time together over the last three days, and Brendon’s not going to lie and say he doesn’t enjoy the hurt look Ryan’s been giving them, just a little bit. But only a little bit. Brendon feels kind of guilty for stealing Ryan’s best friend, but Spencer tells him not to worry.

“He’ll get over it. He’s just not used to sharing me.”

Brendon loves the idea of sharing Spencer with Ryan, though he’d probably love it more if Ryan was actually there. Still, Spencer’s a lot of fun. Especially when he brings up the idea of them dating. The first time they hear it and Spencer bursts out laughing, Brendon’s kind of insulted, but Spencer soon has him seeing the funny side.

“I mean, you’re awesome, Brendon, but you’re completely in love with Ryan. And I pretty much have ‘Marry Me Jon Walker’ tattooed on my face! Anybody who can’t see that is clearly blind!”

It also helps when Spencer tells him that if they ever had sex, it would probably be the third best thing ever. Brendon’s willing to concede that sex with Ryan would probably be better, and therefore that Spencer having sex with Jon has to come second (though they argue over the order of those two).

The pizza’s just arrived for lunch and Brendon’s managed to convince Spencer to watch Aladdin with him while they eat, so they’re all set for ninety minutes of food and Disney when ‘A Whole New World’ starts playing about an hour too early. The screen of Brendon’s phone announces the caller as ‘Bob (Angie)’, so he sets aside his pizza to answer it.


“Brendon? Oh, thank god. Is Angie with you?”

Brendon freezes, stomach clenching at the panic in Bob’s voice. “No. I haven’t seen her since our last lesson.”

Bob swears, and Brendon’s on his feet, searching for his wallet and keys. Spencer’s already turned off the TV and he’s pulling out his own phone.

“I just got home, and she’s not here. I don’t…I don’t know what to do.”

“Call the police. I’ll call Ray. Maybe she wanted to get some practice in.”

“She knows she’s not supposed to go there without you. What if something’s happened to her? What if-”

“Bob. Bob, I’m sure she’s fine. Let’s just find her. Call the police, then call me back.”

Brendon hangs up and turns to Spencer. “I have to-”

“I know, I heard. I’ll drive. Jon’s at work, so I called him. He’s checking the centre. Ryan’s not answering, but I left him a message. He’s met Angie, he’ll be more helpful than me or Jon.”

Brendon hugs Spencer fiercely. “Thank you.”

Ray tells him he hasn’t seen Angie either, and when Bob calls back he tells him the police are on their way and Bob’s not allowed to leave. Brendon promises he’ll look for Angie, and that he has some people helping him. “We’re going to swing by work and grab a friend of mine who met her one day at work. We’ll find her, Bob.”

Spencer’s waving at him wildly, phone clutched in his hand and Brendon tells Bob he’ll call back in a moment.

“It’s Jon. He’s found her. She was sitting outside the tea shop, waiting for Ryan apparently.”

“What? Why?” But Brendon’s already dialling to tell Bob the news.

They arrive a few minutes before him, and Brendon scoops the girl into a hug.

“What the fu- I mean, what were you thinking?”

“I wanted to talk to Ryan. I didn’t realise it was so late. There was a ‘back in five minutes’ sign on the door. It’s been longer than that though. I’ve been here for about twenty minutes already.”

“Angie! Why didn’t you call your dad? He’s worried sick about you!”

“I didn’t think he’d be home for ages.”

Brendon resists the urge to scream, and is saved from the trouble when Bob sweeps past, catching Angie in his arms and clinging tightly. Brendon can hear snatches of conversation - “…so worried…”, “…really sorry…” and “…grounded forever!”.

Spencer and Jon both have their arms around Brendon, and he realises he’s shaking a little - from adrenaline or relief, he’s not sure.

“Angie, if you ever scare me like that again, you’re learning Rachmaninoff. I mean it, this time.”

“I’m sorry, Brendon. I didn’t mean to scare anyone.”

“Hey. What’s going on?”

Brendon can’t face Ryan right now, not on top of everything else, so he tucks his face against Spencer’s shoulder. “Take me home?”

He doesn’t listen to Spencer’s apologies and farewells, just keeps his eyes closed and allows himself be led away. He’s had more than enough excitement for one day.


Angie’s dad glares at him as he leads his daughter away, and Ryan’s not entirely sure how this has been deemed his fault.

Jon’s busy looking thoughtfully after Spencer and Brendon, so Ryan just swears and reopens the shop. He’s an hour late, thanks to the unreliable public transport system in his area, and the shop’s been closed since Patrick left to take Pete to his appointment. They’re probably going to get a reprimand and a fine from Centre Management and on top of that, apparently it’s Ryan’s fault that an 11-year-old girl he’s only met once went missing.

Jon follows him into the shop and into the back room.

“Okay. What the fuck?”

“Angie went missing. Spencer called us, but couldn’t get through to you. I looked around the centre. She was outside the shop. Apparently she was waiting for you.”

“She…what? Why?”

“Hey no, I’m telling this story my way! So, I explained that I was Brendon’s friend and that everyone was worried sick about her and that she needed to stay put until a security guard or Brendon or her dad arrived. I was worried she was going to freak out on me and call ‘stranger danger’, but she asked my name and apparently Brendon’s mentioned me, because she knew who I was. She asked if I knew when you’d arrive and I said I didn’t and asked her why.”

Jon stops there, smiling, and Ryan’s going to kill him. How can he possibly be enjoying this?

“Well?” he asks finally.

“She said she was angry at you for making Brendon sad.”

Ryan groans and heaves a sigh. “Fuck. Is there anybody who’s not mad at me for this? It’s not like I meant to hurt anyone!”

“Ryan, Ryan. You’re not listening. She thinks Brendon’s sad. That means Brendon’s not happy. She also thinks that his sadness is your fault. This means that he’s probably still hung up on you. If Brendon’s still hung up on you, then he’s not dating Spencer. Brendon’s a happily-ever-after kind of guy. He doesn’t do casual hook-ups and he wouldn’t date somebody if there was somebody else he liked more, especially if they were best friends. Ryan, they’re not dating!”

Ryan tries to ignore the thrill Jon’s words give him. Relief and something close to happiness. He tries to tell himself it’s because he’s happy because if Spencer’s not dating Brendon, then he can date Jon, which will make them both happy. He tries to tell himself he’s happy because he misses having Spencer around and if Spencer and Brendon aren’t dating then he doesn’t have to feel guilty about imposing when he tries to spend time with one or both of them. He tries to tell himself that it’s anything, anything but that, but he fails.

It’s because he’s relieved that Brendon’s not dating his best friend, because that would mean that he’d blown his chance completely. He may still have blown his chance, but at least he can try now. And fuck, he didn’t even realise that he was upset about blowing his chance, or that he wanted to try for another one, but apparently he was and he does. Ryan glances up and sees the smug look on Jon’s face and glares right back.

“Oh, fuck off. At least I’ve figured it out now. Pete’s still in fucking denial.”

“Well, now that you’ve figured it out, what are you going to do? I mean, I can go back to my Seduction Plan, though I might skip a few steps now, so I’m all set - but what about you?”

Ryan’s stumped. “I guess I’ll apologise again. Properly, this time. Not just for the date thing, but for everything.”

“Date thing?”

Ryan waves his hand. “Ask Spencer one day.”

He’s thinking, and he’s not sure an apology is going to cut it. It hasn’t made a difference so far, after all. He should probably wait and let time heal wounds, work out a strategy then. Maybe he’ll borrow some tips from Jon and his Seduction Plan.

He doesn’t really get a chance though, because at work the next day, Brendon comes into the shop and corners him.

“Look. I’ve had a really shitty few days,” he says, and Ryan thinks that that’s probably an understatement, but keeps his mouth shut, because Brendon seems to have this planned out. “So you’re going to listen to me and you’re not going to do that thing you do where you act all superior or like I’m not worth your time, because you’ve kind of been a jerk. And I’m not saying you have to like me or even that you have to go on a date with me or anything, but you could at least give me a chance, because you never have, not from the start.”

Brendon takes a deep breath, and Ryan…Ryan listens. Because Brendon’s right. He never really gave him a chance, and it’s something he feels guilty for, now.

“You just assume that I’m this gigantic bouncy airhead,” Brendon continues. “And I get that I come across like that sometimes, but you never even tried to find out if that’s what I was really like or if being cheerful is just what I do when I’m at work because we’re supposed to be energetic and happy and friendly. And it’s not just work, but I’m not just a smile, okay? I’m actually kind of awesome. We’ve had a couple of real conversations, and that’s been good, but you’ve never really tried to get to know me. Normally that would be fine, that’s totally your choice, but you’re friends with my friends and I’m friends with your friends and it would be nice if we could actually be friends too, even if you’re not interested in me.”

That was kind of a long speech, even for Brendon. Ryan’s not sure where to start. He’s not sure he wants to start. He kind of wants to hide or evade or change the subject, but he remembers how he felt when he thought Brendon was dating Spencer, and how relieved he felt when he found out he was wrong, and. Yeah. He can do this.

“You’re right.”

“I am?” Brendon looks startled. “I mean, I know I am. think I am too?”

“Yeah.” And fuck, this is hard.

“I was a jerk. I didn’t give you a chance. I didn’t try to get to know you, even though everybody was telling me how great you were. I was caught up in my own thing, with Pete. And I should have realised that the thing with Pete was never serious and it wasn’t worth ignoring you over. It wasn’t worth hurting you for. And then...and then I found out that everyone was right. That you are awesome. You’re talented and you’re great with Angie and the other kids, and you’re a really good friend.”

It looks like Brendon’s going to say something, so Ryan rushes on.

“And I didn’t want to know that, because that made it more obvious how horrible I’d been to you. I didn’t want to face that, so I ignored it, I ignored you. But it didn’t work, because I hurt you and I felt guilty and then everyone was saying that you and Spencer were together, and Spencer never said you were but he never said you weren’t, either. And I was so jealous, but I pretended it was because of Spencer, because I missed my best friend. I didn’t want it to be about you. But it was.

“And when Jon told me Angie thought I was making you sad, I felt bad all over again. And then when we worked out you and Spencer weren’t together, couldn’t be together…I was relieved. Because it meant that maybe, just maybe I could make it up to you and that you’d give me a second chance, even though I never gave you a first.”

Brendon stares at him for so long that Ryan starts to get uncomfortable. He’s moments away from fidgeting when Brendon finally speaks. “I…really? I mean. Really?”

Ryan nods and Brendon looks stunned. “Wow. I. Wow. That…yeah, that went a lot better than I’d expected. Um. So….uh…”

“Are you doing anything tomorrow morning?”

Ryan tries not to be offended by the look of horror on Brendon’s face. “I…no?”

“Why don’t you join me and Spencer for breakfast? It’s a regular Sunday thing. Jon came last week, so I figure it’s my turn to invite somebody.”

“Uh. Sure. That. That would be good. Um.”

“Great! I’ll pick you up around nine. You should bring your guitar. We usually stop by Spencer’s grandmother’s place and play for a while. We might actually sound good if you join us!”

“Sure. That sounds really great. Really. Great. Um. I should. I have work. I. I’ll see you tomorrow?”

“You will. I promise.”

Ryan grins as he watches Brendon walk away, obviously still a little bewildered. He’s really looking forward to tomorrow.


Jon interrupts them while they’re eating lunch. Ryan looks relieved, but Spencer was quite enjoying teasing Ryan about Brendon. Still, it’s Jon, so Spencer doesn’t mind.

“Hey. Haven’t seen you around much lately.”

Jon nods, and pulls a chair up to sit beside him. “I know. I was avoiding you,” he says quite seriously. “I’m sorry.”

“Why were you avoiding me?”

Spencer’s confused, but a glance at Ryan shows that he’s the only one. Ryan’s smirking, the bastard. Spencer sends him mental death threats, but he remains unconcerned.

“I thought the rumours about you and Brendon dating might be true, and I didn’t want to get in the way. I was being a gentleman, Spencer Smith.”

“You were being an idiot,” Spencer corrects, but he’s struggling not to smile.

Jon nods solemnly. “It’s true. I was. But I’m not anymore. I had this whole Plan. There were steps and everything. But, I’m going to stop now. Because you know that I like you and you know that I respect you and you know that I’m serious about you. At least, I hope you do, by now. And if you don’t, well, I do and I do and I am. So. Spencer Smith. Will you accompany me on a date on Friday night?”

Spencer’s blushing again, he can tell. The look on Ryan’s face confirms it.

“No,” he says and it’s almost worth it for the look of shock and outrage on Ryan’s face, but not for the look of defeat on Jon’s. “I mean, I can’t. It’s my sister’s birthday. But we could go out on Wednesday, maybe? Or. I mean, if you wanted to, you could come with me?”

Jon’s face lights up again, and Spencer can’t help grinning. “I would love to,” Jon says quite seriously.

“Well, it’s about damn time,” Ryan says, earning himself a glare from Jon and a kick from Spencer.


“Glass houses, Ryan Ross. Glass. Houses.”


Pete’s been surprisingly quiet for the last few hours, and Patrick’s a little concerned. They’re cuddled up on Pete’s sofa, listening to Pete’s ‘Peterick’ playlist. Patrick’s thumbing through a magazine that he found half buried under a cushion, but Pete’s just lying there, breathing deeply. He’s tried to initiate conversations, suggest movies, offer food, but Pete just keeps shaking his head. “I just want to listen.” Earlier, Patrick had made the mistake of changing the playlist, and Pete had unleashed his very best puppy-dog expression, and Patrick had, of course, given in.

Pete’s shifting, now, and Patrick puts his magazine aside. “Everything okay?”

Pete nods. “Yeah. Yeah, this is kind of perfect, really.”

Patrick shouldn’t be surprised, really. Pete’s always saying things like that. But it still warms Patrick to the core, twists his stomach and heart and make him realise all over again how much Pete means to him.



“When Ryan…when Ryan broke things off,” Pete begins, and Patrick wraps his arms more securely around Pete. “He said some things. And. It got me thinking.”

“Yeah?” If it’s bad thoughts, Patrick’s going to kill Ryan Ross. He doesn’t care if Brendon and Spencer and Jon kill him right back.

Nobody hurts Pete. Nobody makes him think less of himself. Nobody messes with him. It’s just not done. And if somebody tries, Patrick really will fuck them up. He doesn’t care if he has to hire people with questionable morals to do so. Nobody is going to hurt Pete, not while he’s around.

“Yeah. You’ve been my best friend for years. Since you were a kid and I was a creepy older guy. And okay, I’m still a creepy older guy, but. When I met you, you were young. And that wouldn’t usually stop me, but. You’re you, right?”

Patrick has no idea what Pete’s talking about. Usually he’s pretty good at reading between the lines, but obviously at the moment he’s reading something that isn’t there, because Pete can’t be saying what Patrick thinks he’s saying.

“You don’t know, ‘Trick. You don’t know how much you mean to me. Or you do, but you don’t know how. You’re my best friend, and I love you, and I know you know that, but you don’t know…Or maybe you do, and you’re pretending, but.”

Pete shakes his head, but Patrick can’t move, can’t speak, but think, can’t breathe. He’s frozen in place, mind spinning, racing, driving him crazy.

“I’ve been in love with you since the day I met you. And I’ve been waiting, and settling for people who aren’t you, because I can’t fuck this up, I can’t lose you. But...Ryan said. If he’s wrong I’ll kill him. But he said you felt the same way. That everybody knew. That everybody thought that I was the one ignoring your feelings. And I thought... I thought that if that was true, then I needed to know. So. I’m asking. Patrick. ‘Trick. Do you...are you in love with me?”

It feels like it takes forever for his mouth to catch up with his brain. His brain, which is screaming for him to speak, to agree, to tell Pete that it’s true, that Ryan’s right, that Patrick’s loved Pete since forever - but that Pete can’t be in love with him. He can’t, because things like that don’t happen. Not in real life. Not in Patrick’s life. He licks his lips, forces himself to force something out.

“What?” he croaks, and. Okay, it’s something, but it’s not the right thing, because Pete’s face is falling and that’s the last thing Patrick wants. “No, I mean. What? Really? You really…really?”

“Patrick. Did you think I was joking when I said we were going to get married? And have babies?”

“Well, yes. Actually.”

“Patrick. We’re going to get married one day. Not, like. Today. Or next month, or even next year. We’re going to do this right. We’re going to go on dates and have our first kiss and move in together and get engaged and everything. But…but only if you feel the same way.”

And this time Patrick has the words. “Pete. I’ve been in love with you for years.”

As love declarations go, it’s not exactly special, but it’s true, and it should be clear enough for Pete.

Pete looks down at Patrick and smiles, and Patrick smiles back, more brightly than he ever has.

“Good,” Pete breathes, bringing his lips close to Patrick’s. “I’m really looking forward to going on our first date. And having out first kiss, which...” and Pete draws back, “won’t be until after our first date. You’re going to treat me right, Patrick Stump.”

“I am,” Patrick agrees, though he’d rather have that first kiss now. To get it over with, of course.

“And then there’s the sex. I’m really, really, looking forward to the sex.”

Patrick groans and buries his face in Pete’s neck. “I take it back. I hate you. You’re mean. You’re so mean.”

Pete laughs, and it’s still the best sound in the world.




bandombigbang, fanfic

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