May Fourth

May 04, 2011 05:00

A hush filled the air as I stood in the middle of the May Fourth Memorial. It was early morning, the birds were up but the sun was not. It was chilly for May but the humidity was normal. I had never seen the memorial at this slant of light. It seemed much heavier then before. I plucked several flowers for the memorial.
I bowed my head to call on the spirits. I cast a small circle around myself while my friend mulled by themselves at the path ahead. My small pray didn't reach anyones ears but the Earth's. I mumbled to Hecate to keep their souls safe. I wished the students eternal life. I felt them around me for a moment. A touch of wind passed my shoulders. A calm so serene fell over, it was awakening. A bell rang out in the distance jarring me from my silent meditation. Brandon had wrung the "victory" bell as he called it at the foot of the hill. He rang it twice by himself.
After I dismissed the circle I ran to Brandon and Cassie. They both grinned at me because they could see my tears even though it was dark. We agreed that ringing the bell twice was not enough. We scrambled down the side of the hill. I hoped my boots would cling to the slippery soil. Brandon rang the bell three times. Cassie seemed alarmed but Brandon just smiled brightly.
As we walked up the hill together we noticed hippies walking together. One was carrying a drum while the other walked jangling like a human bell. The man who carried the drum looked much older then the jangly woman. They were talking about the students as if they knew them. We placed the flowers on every sight. The people who were holding vigil at each "station" said nothing to us. They didn't even look up. We felt like ghosts.
We walked the same way we had come; through a giant wooden structure that was a bit like a tunnel. To our surprise there were two pixie like hippie women sitting in the tunnel. They rang small bells at us as we walked by. "Go with peace." One of the women said. I shuddered, feeling the tears well up again.
Go with peace.

kent, blogging, friends

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