Oct 06, 2010 16:08
I've always believed in reincarnation. Even when I was Catholic I believed you were reborn as a different person. But I don't think reincarnation works like "time" I think you are dumped into as many different time periods as you like. Though I'm not sure I completely believe that you stay with the people your soul knows. People theorize that you stay with a certain group of people all your lives because that's who your soul wants to stay with. There are so many people in the world thus so many souls. But then again how can I believe in soul mates? Idk... maybe I shouldn't talk about what I don't know.
In other gross/girlie news.
Shaun said something really sweet to me the other day, " Till death to us part? No, till death till us never part. I'm gonna love you even when we're different people." Then I started to cry because I was PMSing.
Also I'm still synced with Heather even though we're other 100 miles apart. <3 I'M SEEING HER THIS WEEKEND. I CAN'T WAIT TO SEE HER. I MISS HER SO MUCH. OH MY GOD. I was near tears when she told me she's coming home this weekend. Could be the period though... I'm smothering her with hugs when I see her. SMOTHERING.
She has broncitius! The doctor didn't give her anything for it! I'm so pissed! Her coughing has been keeping her up at night. D: Dis upsets me so.
Bah I'm going to go do homework now.
friendly neighborhood ramble