Jan 05, 2010 04:04
Now I was able to lose ten pounds last year which was awesome for my self confidence and clothing.
This Year:
Cut red meat out of my diet. Not completely but have it once or twice a month.
Get more iron into my diet. I don't mind taking the capsules but if I ate more iron rich foods I wouldn't have that problem.
Eat new foods. I'm tired of my usually I wanna try new things!
Lose weight. Ha! See changing my diet will LEAD to me losing weight!
Work out more. My Work-out routine needs to be over hauled. I'll keep the walking but add some weight lifting.
Stop bitching. Maybe still only to my friends but god I bitch to much. :/
Eat more fish. I hate fish. HATE. But itt helos with weight lose, mind development and battling cancer.
Just in general get heathier. :3
Make more trips. That's right GTFO out of the HOUSE.
Aw yeah. There are more but yeah I don't recall right now.
new years