Oct 28, 2008 10:18
I apologize in advance for the ADD nature of this rant. I'm just really fired up about this issue and I needed to vent.
I am petrified that Prop 8 will pass in my home state of California. I have lived here all my life, and actor governors and all, I love my state. I was proud that we became one state where homosexual couples could legally marry. Now Prop 8 (the ballot measure reads "Eliminates Right of Same-Sex Couples to Marry") wants to repeal that right and I am sick to my stomach that it will happen. I am petrified as to what that says about tolerance and acceptance and how we as a country are perfectly fine with treating people different from us as less valuable. Less real. Less worthy. Fuck that.
I want to first say that I am not gay. I am happily and legally married to a man. I am a woman. I want to make that point because it is important to me to say that this proposition does not directly affect me...except that it does. It affects people I know and the future I want to live in and the direction I think our country should take. My husband and I are an interracial couple. It was only in in 1967 that this country finally banned all race based restrictions on marriage (Loving vs. Virginia). My husband is the son of a Caucasian woman and a Japanese man who had their first child in 1973. The 'anti-miscegenation' laws also applied to Asians. Now we look back on that time and wonder what the fuck took us as a country so long to get that right. To allow people who love each other to be married, with the full benefits of marriage. Marriage is just a right we should all have. ALL OF US. EVERY LAST ONE...regardless of race and it should fucking be regardless of gender.
Religious views should have anything to do with the legal right to inherit a partner's property or be able to be with them in a hospital room or all the other things that straight couples have and take for granted. How is justifiable to treat someone as a second class citizen? How is someone not deserving of equal rights as you are because of who they love? I am disgusted that it is even an issue. Why should anyone's sex life be up for debate? And that is what it is. These two women or these two men have sex with each other. ACKK!! My moral sensibility!!! Won't someone think of the children! If they get married they'll make all the children gay and then the world will cease to be populated and humanity will die off..or something!!!(Ok...that was snarky...but fuck it...I don't understand any of the arguments in favor of Prop. 8 and they make that little sense to me.) My sex life is no one's fucking business. No one's should be.*
This is the point in our country's history when we should all say we are done with treating people differently based on who they are and what they believe. This should be the time we say we believe in equality for all and equal marriage rights are a part of that. This needs to be the time in history when we stand up for each other, even if this one issue doesn't directly affect us. Because, it does affect how we treat groups of people and how our society normalizes treating different people different. If we don't all fight for equality then we're allowing this denial of a fundamental right to go on. Your silence is your consent.
By the way, marriage being defined as something between a man and a woman is an institution based on religion. The government's only role in marriage should be in establishing the legal and binding contract of marriage for everyone regardless of gender and the dissolution of that contract if people decide to get divorced (like soooo many straight couples do). If you want your marriage to only be something between a man and a woman then get married at church that practices that. The government should not be a reflection of any one religion. It should be a reflection of the societal values we share as a country, and the first and foremost value that we share as a nation is "We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness." FUCK YEAH!
Comments, questions and even opposing views are welcome.
* Except of course in cases where it is illegal because there is a sick abuse of power like grown ass men with underage girls...because there is nothing equal about that.