Jul 24, 2005 19:33
I am named after a beautiful song. I've spent the last 3 hours or so cleaning my kitchen (I mean really cleaning) and singing along to Harry Chapin songs... This song used to make me cry when my dad would drive me home at the end of a weekend spent at his house. I suppose it wasn't the song that made me cry, as much as the situation and the profound depth of my twelve year old experience. I always felt like my dad wanted to say something, but didn't know the words. Harry Chapin's writing seemed to do fine, and I've always loved the song.
I seem to recall that in middle school, when forced to write a paper on a "hero" I chose Harry Chapin. Funny that even then I would choose a man with a dedication to his craft and work ethic that inevitably killed him. A man who took to doing things differently and gained an incredible closeness and loyalty with his fanbase as a direct result. I'd be interested to read the paper, assuming it exists.
A lot of wedding planning done today. Good talks with Sarah. Deep cleaning. Playtime with Rocky (who was sick and is now much, much better.) Soon, dinnertime and getting a proposal for the Scooterboy 12:34 book done. Maybe finally watch Star Wars (V) if Leslie will let us use her lap top.
Tomorrow: finishing and mailing the invitations, mail-order and sending out the Scooterboy stuff, more cleaning, more playtime with Rocky. free lance project. buttons.
mmmm.. the vibration of six metal strings.