It's been a tough day. I purposely messed with my birth control cycle a week or so ago (so I wouldn't be, you know, menstruating on my wedding night) and the chemical imbalance is kicking my ass. But that's ok. As I said once before, there is no "cure" to this, there is only learning to work through it.
The wedding invitations are addressed, stamped, stuffed and ready to go into the mail. Despite this momentous event, I'm unmotivated and easily distracted. Trying to get freelance work done and being met with disinterest, if not defeat. I managed to slug through enough to get to a point to where I have to wait for an email reply, so hopefully that will put things off enough for tomorrow. Slugging through has shown me, however, that I'm having a good drawing day. Unfortunately, the rest of my to-do list for the day is clerical.
Speaking of clerics, *ahem* there's a
new version of Grow (
the original is the best fucking flash game I've ever played.) with an RPG spin on it. I've maxed out all but two of them, but didn't spend too much time playing.
My sister called. Jordan and I are getting closer than ever in new "grown-up" land, and she's been calling me a lot for advice lately, which makes me feel useful. I'm so excited about our friendship and getting even closer after we move back.
More auctions to do. I still haven't touched the budget proposal. I haven't eaten.
At least I'm drawing well.