So I think I'm going to re-install Sims 2. Really! And I'm going to start fresh, no custom neighborhoods and so forth. I want to only hang onto two sims: Pixel and Bean Curious.
My problem is I'm all rusty with my knowledge. I think I have the Windows version of my game backed up somewhere. But where is anyone's guess. HOWEVER. I also have my Mac version backed up on my iBook, and I can see, in my SavedSims folder, that I have copies of both Bean and Pixel saved as package files.
These are compatible with the Windows game, right? A package file is a package file?
I am really, really trying to be ruthless and not save any other sims out of that file. I'm trying to not even look and see who's there. I already dropped the Downloads folder in the Trash bin and emptied it, so I can't keep any of that stuff. No doubt I'll get replacement eyes and whatnot but I really do not want to start a fresh game with pre-bloat.
On that note, where's the good Maxis-match stuff these days? I poked around on MTS2 a bit and saw some things I like, but I'm holding off till I actually install the game. Are there any good free sites that specialize in Maxis-match?
Oh, also, would you guys recommend Apartment Life? I also never got Bon Voyage or Free Time. Not so interested in Bon Voyage, though if I found a great deal I might get it. I'm missing some stuff packs as well. Which ones do y'all like best?
I think I'll be doing
Matchmaker for One challenge. I have an idea to combine it with an ugly dilution legacy. Kind of a reversekabibble thing.