Unique And Ugly Sims Submission Post

Aug 20, 2008 08:51

When I was looking for suggestions from you guys about what we should do with this community, somebody posted that they would like to see a tutorial on how to make unique sims in body shop/CAS or whatever, since many people make sims that usually end up looking the same.

Personally, I thought this was a great idea- I'm all for unique looking sims! ( Read more... )

!ptguc, !mod post

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Comments 77

dragancaor August 20 2008, 13:29:10 UTC
I wouldn't have said those were ugly per se.... just interesting. Bibble is fantastic, that geeky cute guy at school that no one notices until the 10 year reunion & then smacks themselves for not noticing earlier.

Mind you, Janis just looks MEAN. Hehehhehee

& no. nothing up our sleeves.


xel_squirgle_ox August 20 2008, 13:33:55 UTC
I love Bibble too- he really is adorable. And so is Marley. Of course I expressed these sentiments in the entries in my journal. But technically, let's face it here. Their genetics aren't really what the majority desire around here.

Janis is MEAN! She only has about two nice points. Wish I had a side profile of her at the moment- she's got Gunnar's lack of chin.

Oh yes, absolutely NOTHING. XD


madame_ugly August 20 2008, 14:11:01 UTC
I never thought about making a child in CAS and then taking them back out to bodyshop. Genius idea.

(slight aside) Have you ever noticed the lack of creativity when it comes to ugly sims? A lot of folks just exaggerate a facial feature (usually to the extreme) and call it ugly. I see it with dilution challenges all the time. That's not ugly. It's DEFORMED.

To add to your list of tips (you kind of mentioned it, but I think it needs repeated):

Gender swap. Not just to make kids in CAS. Gender swap in bodyshop, too. It's the easiest way to get a nice base for a mannish female sim.

Use CC sims. I've downloaded some "weird" sims (one was an invisible sim). When I changed the skin around I LOVED the sim underneath (and am still tweaking her look). The same thing happened with a banshee. After I stripped off the cc, the sim underneath was a great base.


xel_squirgle_ox August 20 2008, 14:16:09 UTC
I knew I would get some great tips from you! Yes, gender swaps are a great idea! I've done that myself as well.

I almost forgot to add that. Extremes only take a few seconds to make and quite frankly, it gets distracting. Will put that on the list!


pixelcurious August 20 2008, 15:37:36 UTC
Sometimes extremes take a lot of work, like some of my extreme aliens. But they never end up being good for breeding.

There's a trick with the sliders in Body Shop. You know how you have the two face-creating tabs, Faces and Modifiers?

... )


bondchick_nett August 20 2008, 15:44:44 UTC
Oh wow! Thats an excellent tip. In order to get more options than I was getting I had been previously saving the sim, then cloning it to keep working on it -- a few times I've had to do that three or four times to get to the point where I'm even remotely close to what I want - therefore leaving a whole mess of partial made sims to clean up after the fact.

Had I known at the time I could've gone to faces and then back to modifiers it would've solved a LOT of that problem! XD


Terror at the disco... bondchick_nett August 20 2008, 16:11:14 UTC

All born in game:

... )


Re: Terror at the disco... xel_squirgle_ox August 20 2008, 18:03:37 UTC
To be honest with you, those sims aren't as terrifying as some I've seen. They might have just one or two things wrong with them, but the rest of the features look fine.

Thanks for sharing!


Re: Terror at the disco... bondchick_nett August 21 2008, 03:34:50 UTC
Oh I know, they're not HOLYCRAPGETINTHECAR (except for sometimes when Betsey smiles for example... makes me cry), but they're not gonna win any beauty awards. XD


Re: Terror at the disco... xel_squirgle_ox August 21 2008, 03:47:04 UTC
Hehe. I don't think any sims in this post would win any beauty awards! But then again, that is a very GOOD thing for what we have in mind. :P


sawcat August 20 2008, 17:14:15 UTC
I wondered about posting some sims I thought would be good for uglacies. Actually once I get my list of in progress legacies down I was hoping to try a pixel_trade Uglacy if I could find enough sims for it. I'll have to get off my duff and extract a few of them

I forgot he was in my pb. This is Garth, in-game born of my Gen 2 Bonnet heir and her wife. Interesting coloring and sort of.....lumpy looking as a YA. He just had alien twins as uni so should be interesting to see how he mixes with my PTs.

... )


xel_squirgle_ox August 20 2008, 18:10:56 UTC
Ooh, alien twins! What PTs do you have? And YES. Please post your sims that could be used for uglacies!

There are quite a few around here already with some from pixel_and_bean, simmiesworld, mjo5oh, nutmegdealer, and of course madame_ugly, but dragancaor and I are greedy little mods and would just loooove MORE!


strange_tomato August 20 2008, 22:38:22 UTC
What are you up to? *raises brow* And why do some people seem to be in on it already?

Okay, this guy is not really ugly (or maybe he is... you be the judge), but I don't think I've ever seen a chin like this on any other sim, so that makes him unique.

... )


xel_squirgle_ox August 20 2008, 23:01:42 UTC
You will find out soon enough- I'm too excited to keep it bottled up much longer. :P

That chin is very interesting! I haven't seen something like that either. And I also like the space he has between his mouth and nose. No, I wouldn't call him ugly, but definitely unique.


strange_tomato August 20 2008, 23:06:14 UTC
A large space between the mouth and nose is definitely a trait I would consider ugly. It relates to having a really short nose.

Somehow, this guy pulls it off pretty well. It's an odd chin, though. It's pretty ball-shaped.


dragancaor August 21 2008, 06:25:52 UTC
Gah! I KNOW HIM!!!
Well... he could seriously pass as the self sim of a friend. ROFL.


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