Maplecliffe BACC, Week 7: Lobo and Bryanston Ontario

Mar 08, 2014 12:54

Lobo and Sarnia kick off the week by becoming best friends. She's closer to him than she is to her own father.

Meanwhile, new child on the way! Plum (_simplyrandom) looks pretty pleased.

Last week, we focused on Bryanston and his new family. This week, it's Lobo's turn. He invites quinctia's Carbuncle over, and they take no time getting reacquainted.

Aww, poor Sarnia. Her favourite uncle's deserted her, and now she burns her muffin.

Plum was doing alright until she passed out in her food. Peachipuh (kathsy) doesn't seem concerned.

Yay money! Carbuncle's rich! She almost doubled the household funds. She's a famiily/grilled cheese sim who wants to have 6 grandchildren. Definitely doable.

And she still brings the class. Clearly.

It's been said that sex can help a pregnancy along, but this is ridiculous.

Well, at least I won't have to worry about Bryanston and Carbuncle hooking up with each other while I'm not looking.

Classy engagement time! The garden gnome stands witness.

Followed close behind by a classy bedroom wedding!

Poor Angela (foreverred). First Windsor torments her, and now Sarnia. I think she needs to stay away from the Ontarios, for her own health and sanity.

The relationship between Plum and Sarnia was almost non-existent, so I tried to make them bond. It didn't work very well. It was a full sim day or two before I remembered that Sarnia is Bryanston's alien baby, and therefore bears no relation to Plum. Then I didn't feel quite so bad about their shitty relationship.

Because now Plum's got kids of her own to bond with. This is baby girl Bright.

And another girl, Tecumseh.

Sarnia seems pretty upbeat about the fact that she's got two new sisters. And that she gets to spend some more quality time with her favourite uncle.

Oh, you guys are going to be stellar parents. No wonder Sarnia is closer to Uncle Lobo than either of you.

I have the feeling this is going to be a regular thing.

At least Plum's relationship with Sarnia seems to be improving. That's a step in the right direction.

Toddler Tecumseh! She's a little awkward looking, but there's still hope.

And Bright! She's definitely an Ontario. I don't know how many generations later, and Toronto's genes still live strong.

I decided Carbuncle needed a makeover. She's so adorable!

Bryanston finally spends time with his daughter, and this is how he spends it. Good job, Bry. If you really didn't want more kids, you should have used a condom.

Thankfully, Bright seems to be mostly okay. So far. We have no idea what kind of lasting affect that head injury will have on her.

Carbuncle got fat, but Lobo doesn't care. Hell, I think she looks better this way.

Though maybe her body just knew that it would soon have to sustain two lives instead of one.

She's so damn cute. I can't wait to see what the kids look like.

Speaking of cute, these two did this autonomously. And Sarnia actually has wants to play with her sisters. I get the feeling she'll be taking care of them a lot as they grow older.

Although, I do have to give credit to Plum for actually paying attention to at least one of the kids. Is it obvious how much I love this interaction? It's so cute!

Holy crap, she's huge!

So I was going through the career rules, figuring out which careers were available to use, and I realized that I'd had one too many teachers in town. I also remembered that, although I'd forgotten to mention it during the Storybook update, Gabriel had bought the land for a museum. There's not much there yet, so there were no pictures, but that sort of technically opens up the adventure career. So, ta-da! Lobo the pirate.

And before long, we get this....creepy thing. What does it do? Improve mood or something?

Triple birthday time!

Definitely an improvement for Tecumseh. You can really see Plum in her now.

Bright, on the other hand, looks a little more plain now. She's still cute, but a little boring. Of course, I thought Windsor was boring at first, too, and he's turned out to be more entertaining than his brothers. There's still hope.

I wish I had a better picture of Sarnia, but I'd say she's turned out really well! She rolled Fortune/Pleasure and wants to become mayor. Doable, but as we can only have one mayor in town, and knowing that there are others in town who want the same thing, it'll be interesting to see who makes it there first!

So cute. I'm liking Tecumseh more and more.

And just cause I'm a dick, I think we'll leave off just as Carbuncle is ready to give birth. Ha!

simplesimphony, simplyrandom, !sims 2, kathsy, foreverred, quinctia

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