Tehlobster Isn't Dead - Four Sims For Your Downloading Pleasure!

Mar 03, 2014 03:43

(Or, Save the Sims From Impending Erasure!)

I haven't played Sims in almost two(!!!) years because it's been installed on my horrible old computer which I hate, but recently I built a shiny new computer that does everything but my dishes. So I spent today migrating a TON of stuff over to it, and one of those things was my custom content, neighborhoods, etc. from Sims 2. I haven't installed all of that yet, because it's a trick just to get Sims to work with Windows 7, and while I was doing that and testing it to make sure it worked, I made a family. But I thought to myself, "Oh no, they're gonna get wiped when I put in all my old data!" So I decided to save them, and it's a short step from there to uploading them!

( No spiffy preview pic here, but check them out at my tumblr! )

!download: child/toddler, tehlobster, !download: adult, !download: teen, !sims 2

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