PixCT: 08.12

Aug 13, 2010 21:34

It's that time again...

  • Slash (Dean/Sam)
  • Adult
  • ~260

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    A combination of fic, pic, and cock, and that's really all there is to it.
    All About Cock Thursday

    So Far
    September 07-September 08
    September 08-September 09

    Dru Cock Thursday
    Pix Cock Thursday

    Dru August CTs
    Pix August CTs

    - - - - -

    DruCT: 08.12
    My fic:
    Slash (Wincest: Dean/Sam) oneshot
    Adult rating
    ~260 words

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    Pix’s Pic Pick

    The bed was a small, little thing with one leg shorter than the rest, and it rocked and it squeaked, but they could fit together-no matter how tight a squeeze-and cover themselves with blankets made from animal furs and hides, heavy bearskin and soft buckskin from the deer outside. The gun, that of father’s and of his father’s before, was mounted on the wall above, and there was a skull of some animal too long gone-something their father had hunted and killed and prized.

    With the blizzard whipping something fierce outside, Sam leaned over Dean, hands flat against the bed, hands on either side of Dean’s shoulders. The air of the cabin was cold, cooling their noses and ears, but beneath all the blankets, their naked skin was slick sweaty and flushed hot to the touch.

    They wrapped themselves up in each other, cramped and snug on the little bed, and Sam pressed wet, open-mouth kisses down Dean neck and onto his chest, and Dean curled one hand behind Sam’s back and the other cupped over Sam’s cock, stroking him slow and sure. Maybe they would come. Maybe they wouldn’t. It started out as body heat, some need-however primal-to stay warm, but it always turned to more. Like they always knew it would.

    “Hope it snows a while,” Sam said, nosing at Dean’s temple.

    Dean smiled. Knew they had enough food and wood to last them a few days. There was no reason they had to leave the bed anytime soon.

  • supernatural, cock thursday, wincest, ct: aug 3, fanfiction

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