PixCT: 08.05

Aug 05, 2010 20:22

It's that time again...

  • Slash (Dean/Sam)
  • Adult
  • ~710

    This week’s CT is filled with glitter in honor of rivers_bend’s birthday because she is a wonderful and glittery person all on her own. ♥

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    A combination of fic, pic, and cock, and that's really all there is to it.
    All About Cock Thursday

    So Far
    September 07-September 08
    September 08-September 09

    DruCT: 09.17
    DruCT: 09.24
    DruCT: 10.01
    DruCT: 10.08
    DruCT: 10.15
    DruCT: 10.22
    DruCT: 10.29
    DruCT: 11.05
    DruCT: 11.12
    DruCT: 11.19

    DruCT: 01.21
    PixCT: 01.21
    DruCT: 01.28
    PixCT: 01.28
    DruCT: 02.04
    PixCT: 02.04
    DruCT: 02.11
    PixCT: 02.11
    DruCT: 02.18
    PixCT: 02.18
    DruCT: 02.25
    PixCT: 02.25
    DruCT: 03.04
    PixCT: 03.04
    DruCT: 03.11
    PixCT: 03.11
    DruCT: 03.18
    PixCT: 03.18
    DruCT: 03.25
    PixCT: 03.25
    DruCT: 04.01
    PixCT: 04.01
    DruCT: 04.08
    PixCT: 04.08
    DruCT: 04.15
    PixCT: 04.15
    DruCT: 04.22
    PixCT: 04.22
    DruCT: 04.29
    PixCT: 04.29
    DruCT: 05.06
    PixCT: 05.06
    DruCT: 05.13
    PixCT: 05.13
    DruCT: 06.03

    PixCT: 06.03
    DruCT: 06.10
    PixCT: 06.10
    DruCT: 06.17
    PixCT: 06.17
    DruCT: 06.24
    PixCT: 06.24
    DruCT: 07.08
    PixCT: 07.08
    DruCT: 07.15
    PixCT: 07.15
    DruCT: 07.22
    DruCT: 07.29
    PixCT: 07.29
    - - - - -

    DruCT: 08.05
    My fic:
    Slash (Wincest: Dean/Sam) oneshot
    Adult rating
    ~710 words

    - - - - -

    Dru’s Pic Pick

    "Go on, open it."

    Sam looked up from where he was sitting on the couch and at the cardboard box Dean was shoving at him.

    "You didn't have to get me anything."

    "No," Dean agreed, "but I did anyway. So," he said, pushing the box closer to Sam, "open it already."

    "Pretty goddamn eager, aren't you?" Sam asked as he took the box from Dean.

    Dean tried to play off his excitement with a shrug of the shoulders, but it was obvious from his tight smile and shifting eyes that he was all wound up about something. As Dean collapsed down into the chair across from the couch, he said, "I can't get you something for your birthday?"

    "It's not like we have a lot of money right now..." Sam began.

    "Not a lot of legal money, Sammy. There's a difference. I think Mr. Clinton's credit card would say differently from that 'no money' thing."

    Sam sighed and rolled his eyes. There wasn't much point in arguing with Dean.

    Carefully, Sam peeled back the tape on the box and pushed past the layers of packing. Packing peanuts scattered around his feet, he looked up at Dean. "Is this some kind of joke?" he asked. He wasn't sure whether to laugh or be angry or amused.

    "It's only a joke if you want it to be." Again, another not-so-nonchalant shrug.

    "Dean," Sam said, reaching into the box. "I don't know if this says 'happy birthday, bro,' like you were thinking might." From inside the box, Sam pulled out his birthday gift. A dildo. Not just a normal one--as if there were ever such a thing as a "normal" dildo. But, a dildo with a built-in vibrator. A purple sparkly dildo with a built-in vibrator.

    Dean still wasn't laughing, though. He was smiling, but not laughing. "You don't like it?"

    "Should I like it?"

    Dean leaned back in the chair, swinging his legs up to rest on the coffee table between them. "You like it however you want to."

    Sam looked down at the dildo in his hand. Fuck. From this angle, with the light hitting it just right, it looked like a cock full of glitter jizz. He looked back up to Dean. "It's sparkly," Sam said.

    "Yeah? So? I thought you could use a little glitter in your life."

    Sam sighed and wiped his free hand over his face. He realized that he was still holding onto the dildo. Instead of just putting it back into the box like a normal person.

    "You know, Sammy," Dean said, continuing, "you're the only person I know who'd sit here and bitch about the color and the fact that it sparkles rather than what you're going to do with it."

    "What do you think I should do with it?"

    Dean's smile shifted. A little cockier now. Still amused, but almost differently so. "If you're wanting to put it to good use, I'm sure I could lend a hand in that department."

    Sam shifted his gaze back to the dildo. Thought about using it with Dean. How they'd talked--not all that long ago--about taking it slow with a double penetration sort of thing. The idea of fucking Dean with both his cock and the dildo made a sharp heat flutter up from Sam's stomach. They'd tried similar before, Sam with his fingers up his ass while Dean fucked into him, and the pressure, the fill, was so crazy much. Sam couldn't imagine what it'd be like to have a cock and a dildo up an ass. Fuck.

    "I have a pretty good of something," Sam said at last.


    "Do we have some extra lube?"

    Dean grinned. "Already got you covered on that one." He reached into his pocket and pulled out two tubes, tossing them on the table in front of Sam. "Think that'll work?" He rose to his feet and crossed the room to sit down in Sam's lap, straddling his legs. "I hope you're thinking what I think you're thinking, Sammy," Dean said, leaning in and cupping Sam's face in his hands.

    "Oh," Sam sighed, nose brushing against Dean's, "I'm sure I am."

    Dean kissed him, slow and soft. "Happy birthday, Sammy."

  • supernatural, cock thursday, wincest, ct: aug 3, fanfiction

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