Fic: Veritas: The Mystery of the Hidden Idol, Chapter 1

Feb 19, 2012 10:23

Fandom: Veritas
Title: The Mystery of the Hidden Idol, Chapter 1
Author: raynedanser with delibby
Pairing: Calvin/Nikko
Rating: PG-13
Word Count: ~ 800 in this section
Summary: Nikko is kidnapped. Calvin worries.
Author's Notes: This fic is complete, though it is not fully divided into chapters yet, so I'm not sure how many parts there are. My thanks to delibby for having such amazing patience with me as I've dragged my heels for far too long to get it finished.

Calvin leaned onto the counter, grabbed the beer that slid to him. He scowled and slapped at Nikko’s hand when he reached out for the beer. “I don’t think so,” Calvin commented.

It was an off night. No pressing research that needed to be done right away, no traveling. They were free to relax and do what they wanted for a few hours. They’d started out watching movies and eating take out, but Nikko was fidgety and about to drive Calvin nuts. Since Solomon’s room was right next to theirs, they decided to go somewhere to burn off steam. As they’d gone by the hotel door, Nikko had knocked on it, yelled something about “going out!” and they’d arrived here.

Here was a small night club with thumping music, strong drinks, cold beer and flashing lights. The dance floor was packed and Calvin leaned a shoulder against one speaker, watching as Nikko found himself sandwiched between two blonds. He laughed at something one of them said, then looked up and winked and smiled at Calvin.

As the music filled the air around them, Calvin watched Nikko. Watched his narrow hips move and twist, body gyrate, hands move through the air, droplets of sweat glistening on his forehead. Of the two of them, Nikko was the one that would dance when they went out. Once in a while, Calvin would join Nikko on the dance floor. Usually he preferred watching and thinking about how he would lick the sweat off Nikko later, when it was just the two of them.

Tonight, Calvin decided to join Nikko. He set his empty beer on the counter, pushed himself away from it and walked slowly over, watching Nikko the entire time. He slid in behind Nikko, flattened his hands on Nikko’s hips and moved with him, bringing them to a slow grind. Calvin slid his hands forward on Nikko’s hips and dipped his head in before whispering in his ear, telling Nikko in graphic detail what he was going to do to him when they got back to the hotel room. That his father and Vincent would be in the room next door was just a hint of added danger. Calvin chuckled quietly as a full body shiver moved slowly through Nikko, kissed his neck quickly and went back to the bar to continue watching.

One of Nikko’s earlier dance partners watched and waited for an opening, smiling the whole time, and moved back in when Calvin was gone. It was evident the way that she tried danced with Nikko that she wanted him to go home with her and Calvin barely suppressed a smirk as he had another sip off his beer.

When he looked up again, Nikko was watching him over his shoulder, smiling and raising his eye brows as though asking for help. The girl was walking next to him, hand firmly on Nikko’s back as they walked away. Calvin frowned. Dancing and flirting? Sure. That was harmless enough. But going off with someone else? Oh hell no.

Calvin swore under his breath and pushed away from the bar, intending to follow. He lost them in the crowd once, found them again and started pushing his way through the jumble of bodies. He vaguely heard some muttered curses and name calling, ignored them as he tried to keep an eye on Nikko.

The blond was leading Nikko to the back of the club, to one of its side doors. When Calvin realized what she was doing, he pushed harder, tried to catch up, almost made it as he got to the door just as it swung shut. He got it open, and stepped into a dimly lit alley. Calvin only paused for a minute, and then saw them again at the other end of the alley.

Something was wrong, he realized. Nikko’s movements were less natural, clumsier, unlike Nikko’s naturally graceful. Calvin’s concern grew.

“Nikko!” he called out as he broke into a run.

Nikko’s companion looked back quickly, and then continued to push him ahead. A battered truck pulled up at the end of the alley and Calvin ran faster. He watched in shock as Nikko was pushed into the back like livestock and the truck took off again. By the time Calvin had reached the street, all that remained of the truck was its lone taillight, its unmuffled exhausted echoing back to him.

fic - veritas - idol series, fic - veritas

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