(no subject)

Apr 28, 2006 15:59

For turloughishere. Happy Birthday sweetie!!! THIS time, it’s turps33’s fault.
A continuation of It's Only Temporary.


Lance stopped in the doorway and turned to watch Chris a moment. Chris’s brow was scrunched in concentration, the tip of his tongue sticking out of the corner of his mouth as he slowly peeled the white paper backing off another tattoo on his arm. Now Lance noticed the other discarded papers on the floor around Chris. He compared the pile of paper to the number of tattoos he could see. Something didn’t add up.

He stepped back into the room. “Chris?”

Chris had begun to cut out another tattoo, this one of Batman with his cape swirling behind him. He cut slowly, his tongue curling and uncurling. “Mmhmm?” he asked quietly as he turned the scissors and started around the other side.

Lance stepped closer, eyeing the tattoos on Chris’s thighs. He counted two, and was pretty sure there was another disappearing beneath his shorts. What else had he hidden?

“You know that it’s Easter, right?” He stepped closer then knelt in front of Chris.

Chris put the scissors down and looked at Lance like he was insane. He produced an M&M from somewhere and popped it in his mouth. “Duh, Bass.”

Lance nodded and grinned wickedly as he leaned forward on his hands. He kissed Chris gently. “And you know that on Easter, there’s a hunt, right?” He crawled closer.

Chris brought out another M&M and popped it into Lance’s mouth and smiled. “Eggs, Lance. Eggs. I’m pretty sure that I’m not an egg.”

Lance leaned back a little and tilted his head thoughtfully. Then he leaned down, and pushed up the hem of Chris’s shorts with his finger tips. He kissed Chris’s thigh and hummed. “No. But These? I’m curious. For so many papers, how many tattoos are you hiding?” he asked as he pushed the hem a little higher.

Chris squirmed before pushing his fingers through the spikes of Lance’s hair, holding his head still. “Why?”

Lance grinned wickedly as he looked up at Chris. “Because I’m thinking we need to have a hunt of our own.”


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