May 30, 2006 10:26
Not at all a good long weekend. Not only is it about 4 degrees warmer in our apartment than it is outside no matter what the temperature, but the landladies were doing work on the downstairs unit for most of the weekend, which included lots of noise, lots of mess and the worst smell ever. I don't know how to make you understand just how awful it was...You know the smell that paint has when it goes bad? Similar to spoiled milk, only a little more chemical? It was really close to that - the only thing I can think of is that the paint they had in the basement went bad, and that they still went ahead and used it to paint the apartment. The whole house reeked of it and with a good breeze you could smell it half a block away. Then on Monday they added a good overlay of turpentine and wood stripper smell to it. Between that toxic smell and the heat I spent most of the weekend feeling sick to my stomach. And poor Jeremy actually was still sick on top of it all. Just...ugh. Not how I was hoping the weekend would go.
But, despite all that I managed to get a ton of laundry done and my bedroom cleaned up and a little more put together. The living room is tidy and the kitchen is presentable. I missed most of David's move, but did manage to help a little bit. Alisha's lizard was fed daily and still alive last I checked, and we had some tasty grilled food last night and watched Biloxi Blues with Justin, which was a nice way to end the weekend.
Other highlights include seeing V for Vendetta at the Riverview, which was even better upon second viewing, and spending the night at Justin's air conditioned apartment. If this weekend is any indication of how this summer will go, I have the feeling I'll be spending a lot more time over there. Though Target does have air conditioners on sale this week for $99 and I'm planning on buying one for my room tonight. We have the portable a/c still, which I think we'll bounce back and forth between the living room and Jeremy's room.
There was some cuteness that came from the heat - the kittens turned into puddles. Seriously, Kira would wander into the living room where it was slightly cooler and just melt to the floor. It was adorable in a pathetic kind of way. Luna spent much of the weekend lying in the tub.
Note to Andrew - I'd suggest buying an a/c for your room so we can keep the bigger a/c in the living room - I might also buy another window unit for the dining room. Seriously, I know it's probably overkill, but it was oppressively hot this weekend and apparently I'm much more of a baby about such things than previously thought.