oh baby refrain from breakin my heart

Jul 21, 2007 11:15

So I started my job this week. So far, so good. I pretty much enjoy the people I'm working with. Sadly my YMCA is sorely under served. As in, we currently only have 1 full time staff member, since the VISTAs aren't technically considered staff. The neighborhood really isn't too bad, but I certainly appreciate the 'burbs just a little more each day. We started very small this week, getting everyone situated, buying supplies such as pens and notepads, so that we can actually do our job. I also got my official YMCA membership card, as well as a lovely official YMCA name badge. The atmosphere is fairly relaxed. Our supervisor is all the way in Bonner, so at times we feel a little lost. But as soon as they get the new Youth & Family director, we'll have a bit of more structure.

Anyway, the commute sucks. The weather's been hot. But overall, I seem to like it. It's certainly going to be a long year, though. I'm really looking forward to graduate school. In just a few weeks, I'm going to start the application process. Wish me luck!

That's pretty much it. Work is going pretty well. I need some more work clothes. That is my goal for the next few weeks. Yes.

Peace & Love,

ymca, work

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