
Jul 07, 2005 01:03

Ok, lets get a rumor cleared up here ( Read more... )

utilities: internet

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chlamydia_kills July 7 2005, 05:35:51 UTC
I had both Verizon DSL and Comcast cable.
On the same computer, in the same house in New Kensington (old lines trust me, nothing in new ken is updated)
Comcast ran like dial-up for me. I had them come out and tweak it, I called time and time again had people come out time and time again. What finally made me kill my comcast was a customer service issue (I was late on my bill called them on tuesday told them I would be paying on Friday they said ok, came and cut it off on wednesday, and wanted me to pay a reconnect fee??)
When I got Verizon it ran VERY fast for me, I was pleased highly with it, remember on the same computer with no updating.
Unfortunately I can't get verizon dsl right now, So I suffer with aol dial-up.

Why do I think verizon dsl runs faster than comcast cable ???
(plus the customer service people are TONS TONS more pleasant to deal with!)
Simply because ... it did.


mikefenn July 7 2005, 06:13:53 UTC
Hmm, Comcast is definitely horrible because YOU didn't pay your bill.

I'm running Comcast now for over two years and have very very rarely had any problems. One or two minor outages in over two years. Current connection is listed at 11.0 Mbps.


chlamydia_kills July 7 2005, 06:39:58 UTC
No. I didn't say that Comcast was horrible because I didn't pay my bill.
I said they were HORRIBLE CUSTOMER SERVICE because they said that it was okay for me to pay on Friday yet DIDN'T relay the message on the work order.
They confirmed it was on my account, said it was an oversight and THIER Fault yet STILL wanted me to pay a reconnect fee.
I guess maybe I should have told my ENTIRE life story in order to have critical people such as yourself not bash me for "not paying" my bills.
I'm also highly annoyed by the fact that I get thier flyers on a DAILY basis, big ol' enveloped flyers, which are "to current resident". guess who is footing the bill for that? that would be ... ah yeah ... you.


(this time the comment IS to your reply..) breithiunas July 7 2005, 08:17:35 UTC


vaneck July 7 2005, 12:17:12 UTC
they have BY FAR THE WORST customer service i have ever experienced. i work in the technical field and have to deal with vendors and tech support from all over the place, including dell, microsoft, micron, etc. i have experienced some poor excuses for tech support... but comcast takes the damn cake.


mikefenn July 8 2005, 14:33:58 UTC
Why should they go out of their way to be nice to customers who can't pay their bill when they have paying customers who can? And I don't need your life story, just don't blame someone else for your screw ups.

Also, yes, that's true that part of what I pay goes to advertising. That's how a company works. When you buy your biggie fries at mcdonalds a portion of that goes to advertising. It's corporate America.


chlamydia_kills July 8 2005, 17:44:25 UTC
rofl.. again... what youre not seeming to GET, being an overcritical dumbass I'm sure is that I WAS a paying customer, paying 4 days late... I had Comcast for a year, I paid late ONCE, AGAIN, they said it was thier fault.
Did I SAY they were MEAN??? No, I'm saying, and THEY SAID, they FUCKED up.
Typing to you is really like bashing my head into a brick wall, its pointless it gets nowhere, and I'm quite sure you will reply with something akin to: "Well if you paid your bill like any other god-fearing good american maybe they wouldve been nicer to you"

Wait wait .... are you in Comcast customer service ???


breithiunas July 7 2005, 06:29:34 UTC
i -hated- comcast cable when i lived in beaver falls. i moved to ellwood city and have armstrong and it has never once been down, or even slow. and i get so much better speeds than on comcast.
plus its $20 a month cheaper than comcast was.
but yes, verison dsl (on my laptop at another persons house) ran much faster. and i that was downloading from the same source (my one webhosting site where i stored mp3s to play in IADT


jillkatherine July 7 2005, 14:58:03 UTC
I had Armstrong in Meadville my whole life, and even when I moved into my own place up there a year ago (before moving down here). Armstrong has always been awesome. I got basic cable and internet for only $65/mo, and never had a single problem with the cable going out. I think in about the 20 years my parents have had Armstrong, the cable has gone out 5 times, and that was during storms.


breithiunas July 7 2005, 06:30:30 UTC
meant to comment to bryan not reply your comment. sry -_-


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