(no subject)

Jan 16, 2008 11:33

pontiuspilates and I are getting married this fall, and we'd like y'all's help finding some things:

* An officiant. Specifically, a secular official of some sort who'll come to the park on a Sunday.

We're aware of the self-uniting marriage concept, but we're leery of it. Frankly, we kinda want somebody to walk us through the ceremony. . . . But we're not getting married in any kind of church---physically or spiritually---and we don't want any kind of church official, heretical priest, lapsed minister, etc. Where can we find a judge, JP, township official, whatever who'll come marriage us?
(Despite the fact that we live in Pittsburgh, we'd prefer to avoid having Opie Ravenstahl do it if we can....)

* A photographer.

We've found several good photographers online, but most of them charge thousands of dollars, and extra for prints. Since we've got about a hundred family members, and about six grand to pay for it all, paying ten bucks for each print isn't really an option. Surely not everybody in this city pays tens of thousands of dollars for their wedding. . . .

* Food.

We're basically going to have a barbecue picnic wedding. We've been to Wilson's, in the War Streets, and it's damned tasty, and we're strongly planning to get our food there. But, if you know a barbecue place that you think is better (North Side/North Hills, please, or at least close---we're doing this at North Park, in McCandless, so we'd like to be able to get the food there before it gets cold....), lay it on us.

food: catering, weddings, places: north hills, food: barbecue, photography

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