Oct 06, 2006 07:54
This morning had one of the most beautiful sunrises I have ever seen. I had to deliberately concentrate on my driving and not stare at it. And then, the weird light made all the yellow and red of the trees glow really strangely.
Nature has a wonderful sense of aesthetics. I don't trust her worth a damn, because she's kicked my ass before, but she sure likes the pretty.
Tonight is the Battlestar Galactica premier. This show is the weirdest thing. I've never been so attracted yet...I'm not sure how to put this....scared of a TV show before. It is so dark but so brilliant and the characters and writing are so good that you have to watch. But it's all waaaay too close to the bone in these messed-up times. Fuck you, BG writers, for being so good that I have to watch, but then pulling my veins out as I do so.