No No Nano

Oct 04, 2006 08:46

I did Nano last year and ended up with a 45,000 word horribly written mess.  It was entertaining, but it drove home the idea that I am not, in fact, a writer.  I get bored with it.  I'm not miserable if I don't do it, and writing is something you should only do if you can't help it.  It was quite liberating.  Besides, I can't come up with a decent plot, even if you promised me pitchersful of vodka gimlets.

I still have candy corn on my desk.  It was directly responsible for a chaotic interview yesterday.  Part of the interview process for our company is to have the entire department, without the manager, interview the candidate.  So this poor young fellow comes in, and there are nine sugared-up people talking over each other, laughing, making prank phone calls with the conference phone....luckily, he took it all in stride.

One of the great things about this company is that you can let your dork flag fly.  And we do.
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