Title: Moon Jongup and the MJ Party (B.Y.O.B) Fandom: B.A.P, SECRET, EXO Author: chiharu Characters/pairing: OT6 Rating: PG Wordcount: ~3k Summary: Himchan throws Jongup a party for his birthday and underestimates the number of people who shows up as Michael Jackson. College!AU.
Title: Dreams Are My Reality Fandom: SHINee, EXO, SM Author: chiharu Characters/pairing: Taemin/Minho Rating: PG wordcount: ~6,100 Summary: Taemin has a seriously bad case of hero worship until it turns into something that even he can't handle. College!AU. For minniecouture
Title: And why does the elephant fit into the fridge? Fandom: SHINee, SNSD Author: blahchiharu Characters/pairing: Jonghyun/Jessica Rating: PG wordcount: ~ 6000 Summary: Jonghyun doesn't care what anyone says. He is not attracted to the creepy math girl. College!au. For lyto
Title: These Boots Are Made For Walking Fandom: 2PM, SNSD, SHINee Author: blahchiharu Characters/pairing: Wooyoung/Tiffany Rating G wordcount: ~5000 Summary: College!Au verse. Tiffany is convinced that Wooyoung is in love with her. Wooyoung just wants to graduate college in peace.