Other than the “damn, I REALLY want to go drive somewhere, because I really SHOULDN’T drive anywhere” cabin fever, we seem to have survived the not-quite-a-blizzard of 2009.
Our road is looking really good, seems a VDOT truck or two has come through - the landscaping truck helped a LOT though. Sounds like Arlington is still a mess, saw a report a bit ago of a 5 car pileup on 233 going into National Airport. It seems to be another good day to simply stay put if at all possible and let the road crews do their thing.
The cats still seem mildly confused when they look outside and can’t figure out where the color all went, but they’re doing their normal sleep/annoy the dog activities. The dog is quite unimpressed at this point - when the snow is as high as he is (or higher) it takes a fair amount of the fun out of it for him. However, he has decided that it’s GREAT fun to go sit under the patio table and refuse to come back inside, for he is Moxley, wild dog of Tibet.
The sidewalks are done - well, done enough as far I am concered at the moment. No, they are not 4 feet wide, but they are passable. We said “screw it” as far as the full driveway was concerned - there is a clear path down to the sidewalks. (Yay for 4WD vehicles so we can get in & out.) I swear, I need to remember this next August and go out and get a little snowblower of some sort. I am in a bit of pain today - funny how there is no activity that really mimics snowshoveling when it comes to muscle usage.
The only big question remaining is - how overbooked will Tuesday’s flight be?
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