Warning: capslockiness

Feb 28, 2008 16:48

Well, it's 4:50 pm NYC time, and I'm sitting in Penn Station waiting for my brother to join me for the Clapton/Winwood concert tonight. I worked the night turn last night, and then flew to LaGuardia Airport this am. Took a bus to NYC and have been waiting since. I CAN'T WAIT FOR THE CONCERT!!!! I'm pretty tired, but I'm sure that adrenaline will get me through the evening.
Did I mention I'm seeing Clapton and Winwood together TONIGHT????

OK, I've calmed down a little bit now. Have a lovely evening, everyone. And everyone whose stories I would normally have commented on in the last 24 hours (you know who you are), I will be commenting later tonight (if I'm still conscious) or tomorrow. I was just too busy at work last night to really make many comments.

*is ecstatic that I bought mobile broadband coverage so I can use my computer WHEREVER I WANT*


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