David Ryan Harris was wonderful as ever this evening at the
Hotel Cafe. Tonight's theme was love. Some loveable things about the show and tonight in general:
Lucky in love: Virtually no traffic either way.
The Power of Love: David's voice. Period.
Seasons of Love: Beautiful weather. Even the light jacket I had with me never made itself useful.
Love Shack: Not an entirely packed house tonight. Hooray for breathing room and unimpaired sight lines!
A Groovy Kind of Love: Some more electric guitar love tonight,and he went pedal happy for a tune. Fuzzy goodness!
Love Letters: He seemed a little more relaxed than usual with conversation tonight between songs. It's nice when more of his personality comes out on stage.
Love For Sale: The two hookers I saw workin' it on Hollywood Boulevard. And I was only on that particular street for two blocks.
Good Love is on the Way: And boy did it get here tonight, in the form of 2 friends of DRH showin' their love for him. Not only did
John Mayer sit in on a couple of tunes, but
India motherfuckin' Arie came up for "Good Thing". Only in LA, bitches.
Labour of Love: New CD should happen sometime this spring.
Muskrat Love: I just wanted to type that. Good word, muskrat. Fun to say out loud. Try it now. See? Wasn't that fun?
The Loooooove Boat Yup. Now it'll be in your head all day. You're welcome.