"Humans, as long as they're house-trained."

Apr 23, 2009 15:29

1. First thing you wash in the shower? Left arm. Yep, always the left.
2. What color is your favorite hoodie? Black, with grey inside the hood.
3. Would you kiss the last person you kissed again? Yeppers.
4. Do you plan outfits? Nope, I usually re-wear pants/shorts, shirt and underoos are typically just the first ones a grab from the clean pile, socks must always match each other though.
5. How are you feeling RIGHT now? Full, and a little tired.
6. Whats the closest thing to you that's red? Classmate's handbag, it's ugly...
7. Tell me about the last dream you remember having? Last night; something about a mud covered fountain drink cup, something that resembled a dance studio, and an epic car crash.
8. Did you meet anybody new today? Not really, exchanged contact info with someone I met in class last week.
9. What are you craving right now? To be outside, but I don't really feel like lugging my stuff about...
10. Do you floss? Yes, but not as often as I should.
11. What comes to mind when I say cabbage? Ew?
12. Are you emotional? Not really.
13. Have you ever counted to 1,000? No, never needed to.
14. Do you bite into your ice cream or just lick it? Yes.
15. Do you like your hair? Yes, I find it responds well to my commands.
16. Do you like yourself? I'm beautiful.
17. Would you go out to eat with George W. Bush? I don't see why not.
18. What are you listening to right now? Rowan Atkinson LIVE!
19. Are your parents strict? Not really. But I'm well-behaved enough that they don't need to be.
20. Would you go sky diving? I'd like to. But as of now, too terrified.
21. Do you like cottage cheese? Ew.
22. Have you ever met a celebrity? I met Simon Pegg at SDCC last year.
23. Do you rent movies often? Netflix, for the win.
24. Is there anything sparkly in the room you're in? Nope.
25. How many countries have you visited? Canada.
26. Have you made a prank phone call? Nothing notable.
27. Ever been on a train? I love trains.
28. Brown or white eggs? Never noticed a difference in taste.
29. Do you have a cell phone? I often feel that my life would not function properly without it.
30. Do you use chap stick? Not my own.
31. Do you own a gun? Nope, but daddy does.
32. Can you use chop sticks? No, but not because I can't, I just find forks to be more efficient.
33. Who are you going to be with tonight? Classmates. :(
34. Are you too forgiving? I don't think so. I forgive a lot, but don't forget a lot.
35. Ever been in love? To be determined.
36. What is your best friend(s) doing tomorrow? Dunno.
37. Ever have cream puffs? Nope.
38. Last time you cried? Can't remember.
39. What was the last question you asked? "Can you watch this while I grab a bottle of water?"
40. Favorite time of the year? Fall. not sweltering hot, not freezing as hell, less allergies.
41. Do you have any tattoos? Negative.
42. Are you sarcastic? Some people remark that they can't tell when I'm sarcastic or serious anymore.
43. Have you ever seen The Butterfly Effect? Yeah, it sucked.
44. Ever walked into a wall? Who hasn't?
45. Favorite color? Blue.
46. Have you ever slapped someone? Yep.
47. Is your hair curly? No. But if I let it grow, the back will curl under my ear.
48. What was the last CD you bought? I can't remember.
49. Do looks matter? Not as much as the popular culture would have you believe.
50. Could you ever forgive a cheater? I feel that it's within my power to forgive anyone who wants it.
51. Is your phone bill sky high? I'm sure it is.
52. Do you like your life right now? I can't find any complaints worth mentioning.
53. Do you sleep with the TV on? I have in the past
54. Can you handle the truth? I usually can, sometimes I require a period of time to ponder it, but more often am able to except it.
55. Do you have good vision? Save for the astigmatism, vision is above average.
56. Do you hate or dislike more than 3 people? I try to not hate anyone, and can't readily think of anyone that I would file under "Hated"...
57. How often do you talk on the phone? Rarely, I hate it.
58. The last person you held hands with? Summer.
59. What is your favorite animal? Humans, as long as they're house-trained.
60. Where was your default picture taken at? Pee-Wee's Big Adventure, with the inside of an airplane Photoshoped behind Pee-Wee.
61. Can you hula hoop? Nope.
62. Do you have a job? Yes.
63. What was the most recent thing you bought? Lunch.
64. Have you ever crawled through a window? Probably, but I don't recall.
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