(no subject)

Sep 16, 2008 14:50

Little Miss Jenn (jenniferohcious ) tagged me a little while ago, and I figured that I'd humor her this one time...

A) People who have been tagged must write their answers on their blogs & replace any question that they dislike with a new question formulated by themselves.

B) Tag 8 people to do this quiz. These people must state who they were tagged by & cannot tag the person whom they were tagged by. Continue this game by sending it to other people.

I tag: (tagging is silly, apologies for anyone who was already tagged elsewhere but I'm not going to go check who everybody else tagged, I'll just throw out some names)skkyechan secratic irishrose888 meredarling sophoclesg crocodlle xanman4711 giggles87

I was tagged by: the amazing  jenniferohcious

1. What are your nicknames?
Chris, Gubu, Nolan, Guboir, piratenolan, EG

2. What do you do before bedtime?
Watch TV and fart around on the computer till I deem myself about to pass out, then I crawl into bed and say a little prayer

3. What fandom(s) are you most into at the moment?
Zombies, superheros, grammar?

4. What is your favorite scent?
Citrus, maybe Cinnamon

5. If you had a million dollars that you could only spend on yourself, what would you do with it?
I'd probably blow it on unimportant crap. Although I'd want to put it towards a quaint house with a lot of land out in a more rural part of the country.

6. What is your theme song?

It could be a lot of songs, but it certaintly ISN'T "Dancing Queen" by ABBA

7. Do you trust easily?
No, trust needs to be earned

8. Do you generally think before you act, or act before you think?
Think, and sometimes too much, and then the action comes out wrong.

9. Is there anything that has made you unhappy these days?
Women. But they're always a nuisance

10. Do you have a good body-image?
Yeah I guess, but at the same time I'm still comfortable with it, just don't like it

11. Is being tagged fun?
Only when they tell me about it, otherwise I probably wont notice

12. What websites do you visit daily?
Facebook, GMail, LOLcats, YouTube.

13. What have you been seriously addicted to lately?
A Book, actually. In fact, I kinda wanna read now...

14. What kind of person do you think the person who tagged you is?
She's easily the coolest High School kid, if not girl in general, I know. She's tough to describe though... A little crazy goes a long way

15. What’s the last song that got stuck in your head?
"Take On Me" by Ah-ha. My boss and I were comparing its video to sleep paralysis

16. What’s your favorite item of clothing?
Boxer shorts, half the time when I'm home it's that and a t-shirt.

17. Do you think Rice Crispies are yummy?
They're alright.

18. What would you do if you saw $100 lying on the ground?
I'd like to say I'd find the owner, but I'd probably pocket it.

19. What items could you not go without during the day?
Water and Internet. I've tried, it's rough!

20. What should you be doing right now?
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