Jun 30, 2007 12:09
I finished HP5. As soon as I finish Kite Runner, I can read HP6. By then, HP7 will hopefully be almost out. YES! Over the summer so far, I've gotten into two debates about HP. As in, I was talking to someone who thinks HP is dumb and I was trying to understand why they think that. One was an intelligent debate, one was not so intelligent. It's weird that opinions differ so much and that people can get so mean about something just plain good like HP. In public schools, guys get made fun of for liking HP. Isn't that weird? At work there's this great kid who's my age and we were already friends, but now that HP7 is coming soon we always talk about what we think will happen with the people on my climbing team. Then there's this sophomore kid who thinks HP is dumb just because it's a book. I mean, what, does he hate HP because he's jealous that only people who are smarter than him get how cool it is? I don't know, it's weird. I JUST LOVE HP!!