Nov 30, 2006 23:28
My dad, at dinner, started talking about how he had a meeting today because he's on a committee for promoting women in science, and they gave a talk to the head of some department, like to say, hey, maybe you should at least consider looking at a woman when you search for faculty? No?, and said head of such department said they don't like to hire women because they're less reliable and one time he recommended some woman for a postdoc position (Or something?) and she got it, and then she didn't go because she got pregnant! So now he doesn't hire women.
And my dad was flabbergasted by this. I mean, absolutely dumfounded. He couldn't believe that someone would think like that! And my mom and I are looking at him like, ... do you live in the same world we do? Evidently not?
And then he mentioned some research about effort and reward in academia, and my mom and I started this whole riff of, "Wow! You'd think that women have to work twice as hard to get the same amount of recognition or something nutty like that!" "Next thing you know, they'll be reporting that women are paid less for the same work! Crazy!" "Or that women do more housework than men! Imagine!" and so on.
Anyway, we wound down, and there was other, different discussion, but I was thinking, and I finally go, "Dad, people like that department head are everywhere! Why do you think you're not supposed to discuss marital status or family situation during a job interview?"
And he, completely seriously, thinks for a second, and goes, "Why?"