Jan 05, 2007 14:29


200: My name is:

199: I was born on:

198. I am:

197. People would describe me as:

196. My eye color is:

195. My shoe size is:

194. My ring size is:

193. What is your Favorite Color?

192. My height is:

191. I am allergic to:

190. Hat size:

189. The last book I read:

188. My bed time is:

187. First Screen name?:

186. Current Screen name?:

185. Favorite car:

184. Car you drive:

183. Town you grew up in:

182: Town you currently live in:

181. Where were you born:

180. My least favorite Holiday:

179. My favorite Holiday is:

178. Slow, passionate & meaningful?:

177. The last three CD's I have listened to are:

176. Last song that made me cry was:

175. Favorite song:

174. What cell phone provider do you have:

173. Ever drop your cell in the toilet:

172. My most treasured possession(s) is(are):

171. Largest junk item you own:

170. What did you do last night:

169. What is the longest shift you have ever worked:

168. Can you sing:

167. My skin's reaction to the sun is (tan/burn):

166. Do you smoke?

165. Would you quit for someone?

164. Do you drink?

163. Do you own a toaster?

162. Have you ever stolen something:

161. What was it:

160. Sleep with or without clothes:

159. Do long distance relationships work:

158. How do you like your eggs in the morning:

157. Can you swim:

156. Favorite flavor of ice cream:

155. Ever attend a theme party:

154. What time did you wake up this morning:

153. Name of your first pet:

152. Are you smiling:

151. What are you wearing right now:

150. Are you blushing:

:::::I Do (YES)/Do Not (NO) Believe In:::::

149. Kissing on the first date:

148. Boogeyman:

147. Moon landing:

146. Mental telepathy:

145. The Force:

144. Easter Bunny:

143. Santa:

142. Love at First Sight:

141. Luck:

140. Fate:

139. God:

138. Aliens:

137. Heaven:

136. Hell:

135. Ghosts:

134. Horoscopes:

133. Soul mates:

:::::Which is Better?:::::

132. McDonalds or Burger King:

131. Naked or pajamas:

130. CBS or ABC:

129. Hugs or Kisses:

128. Drunk or High:

127. Phone or online:

126. Red heads or Brown hair:

125. Blondes or Brunettes:

124. lamb and tuna or peanut butter and jelly:

123. pool or darts:

122: sci-fi or horror:

121: boys or girls:

120. Night or Day:

119. Oranges or Apples:

118. Curly or Straight hair:

117. Thong or granny panties:

116. Boxers or briefs:

:::::What comes to your head ?:::::

115. Backstabbers:

114. Parents:

113. Scary movies:

112. Sex:

111. Love:

110. School:

109. Food:

108. Work:

107. Eyes:

106. Car:

105. Txt msg:

104. Dog:

103. Life:

102. Death:

:::::Last time?::::::::

101. Seen someone you haven't seen in awhile:

100. Last concert you went to:

99. Last movie rental:

98. You spent money:

97. Last food you ate:

96. You worked out:

95. Helped an elderly person:

94. Wedding you attended:

93. Sports game you went to:

92. Hugged someone:

91. Missed someone:

90. Txt msg:

89. Missed Call:

88. Last dialed Call:

87. Time you laughed at something stupid:

86. Time you checked your email:

85. Time you called your mom:

84. Time you went to church:


83. The last movie I saw in the theater was:

82. The thing I don't understand is/are:

81. Have you ever cheated on someone:

80. Who makes you laugh the most:

79. The one thing I love about the opposite sex:

78. This summer:

77. One thing I'm mad about right now:

76. Something I will really miss when I leave home is/are:

75. The thing that I'm looking forward to the most is:

::::::what are you doing?:::::::

74. Right now:

73. Tomorrow:

72. Today:

71. Next Summer:

70. Next Week:


69. If you were a crayon what color would you be:

68. What is the first thing you notice when looking at the opposite sex:

67. People call me:

66. Single:

65. Have kids:

64. Reason for your last breakup:

63. The person I have been good friends with the longest:

62. The person who knows the most about me is:

61. The person that can read me the best is:

60. The most difficult thing to do is:

59. I have gotten a speeding ticket:

58. I have the following siblings:

57. Piercing:

56. Tattoos:

55. Where are they:

54. My zodiac sign is:

53. The one person who can't hide things from me:

52. The first person I was in love with was:

51. Right now I am talking to:

50. Favorite baseball team:

48. I have/will get a job at:

47: I have a pet:

46. I hope:

45. The worst sound in the world:

44. The person that makes me cry the most is:

43. Have You ever done drugs?

42. Ever shot a gun:

41. Right handed or left handed:

40. How many pillows do you sleep with:

39. Person you admire the most:

38. What color is you bedroom floor:

37. What about the walls:

36. What website do you visit most:

35. Florida or Hawaii:

33. My favorite piece of clothing is:

32. My favorite sport is:

31. Last time I cried:

30. Ever rode In a taxi:

29. Favorite Starbucks Drink:

28. The school I go to is:

27. Last person I got mad at:

26. My worst drinking experience was:

25. Best drinking experience:

24. Worst hangover:

23. The all-time worst movie is:

22. The all-time best movie is:

21. The all-time best thing in the world is:

20. So, about them Canadians:

19. The most annoying thing ever is:

18. The most annoying person you know is:

17. I lose all respect for people who:

16. I hate:

15. I Like:

14. My Favorite Day is:

13. My Favorite Month is:

12. My Favorite Singer is:

11. The worst pain I ever felt:

10. My favorite phrase:

9. My room:

8. My favorite actress/actor is:

7. Worst Habit:

6. Best attribute:

5. My weakness is/are:

4. What turns me on:

3. Who broke your heart:

2. I filled out 200 questions because:

1. What do you regret most?:
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