Mar 23, 2006 12:32
[OOC: Posted on Thursday Night]
Been here for almost two days now... I've pretty much given up trying to make any sense of this. I'll just roll with it and see how far I get, seems like the best thing to do right now, aye. I'm still hanging around with Asuka, the old man, and The Prince. They seem like pretty nice blokes at least, good company too. We're staying at Actua Are for a while before we figure out what to do next. Better come up with something soon... Don't know how much longer the old man's money will last. But I guess that's not a real problem, since I just can steal some more. The shabby security in the stores here makes it rather easy. And the locals don't really seem to be all that 'aware'.
Asuka seems to be doing better now that she's finally resting, that's good. It'd a real pain for the old man to keep carrying her around like that, haha. The Prince seems as energetic as ever. Ah youth... Wait, what am I talking about... I'm only 19!
Anyways, I'm kinda sleepy. The sun sets too damn early here. Makes it hard for me to adjust, you know? Lucky my internal body clock isn't ever off by a minute. It's just one of my many talents, along with being stunningly beautiful ♥