Captain's Log #02

Mar 02, 2006 10:01

Alright... so I'm looking for some medicine and bandages for my new friend, Asuka. Things here still make about as much sense as before, but I guess there's no getting around it. At least I've met others who are just as lost and confused as I am. Asuka's one of them, then there's this old man called 'Auron' who'd make a great male nurse. They're going to meet up with me in Actua Are after I find what I need. But I'm not doing my search alone, oh no. I've got royalty to keep me company, some kid by the name of 'Prince'. Well, I guess real names aren't all that necessary here.

This place... "Piesore" or whatever the hell it's called, I guess it's not too shabby. Seems like there's a bunch of other blokes who've been randomly put here as well. Sucks for all of us eh?

And... damn, the more I think about it... I really could go for couple of drinks right now. And then a couple of more until I'm absolutely hammered.

Note to self: Look at the map on this thing and find a place that sells rums so that I can steal it later.
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