Nov 30, 2008 20:42
Now that we're nearing the end of our second year of college, I think it's time I told the world about the people that I live, work, study, eat, and sleep (huh?) with...
Annika: One of my best girls. It's amazing to think that last year we hardly talked and didn't even like each other. This year is a completely different story. She's my drinking buddy, my party buddy, my movie buddy, my I'm-So-Hungover-I-Just-Want-To-Sit-On-My-Balcony-And-Eat-Chinese-Food buddy. We've had some amazing laughs this year and there's still plenty more to come. It's fantastic to have her here. And she'll be my room mate next year!
Jess: My beautiful current room mate. She's a breath of fresh air and the saddest part is, she's leaving at the end of the year and transferring to UQ. I'm going to miss her so much. But I know she'll be one my closest friends for ever and I'll never let her go. She's going to go so far in life and I'm super proud of her.
Ashlea: My Sydney girl. The only other Sydney girl in my level. I love her so much and she's amazing to have around, in any situation. She can be funny and serious, a party animal or fit for a movie session, anything really. She's still not sure if she's coming back next year. If she is, it'll be another wicked year of fun and laughter. If not, I will miss her so much but know that we'll talk all the time, just like we did on placement last year. She's fantastic and makes me laugh, no matter how upset I am.
Nigel: One my closest buddies who brightens up my life. He's such a ball of energy and is one of the funniest people I know. The best part is, even if I'm upset, he's always there for me and manages to cheer me up, no matter what. The worst part is, Nigel is also leaving to transfer to UQ. And I have no idea what I'm going to do without him. I've loved him since day one and will hopefully catch him in the future, working on planes, just like me.
Christian: I've known him three months and he's one of my best friends. I'm so happy to have him around, he's like my big brother. I do everything with him, talk to him about anything, in either German or English, and generally have an amazing time with him. He's one of my best friends and I love him dearly. I'm going to miss him so much over the next six months but I'm looking forward to having a blast with him next year.
Tim: My token gay boy. He's been one of my craziest friends since Level 1 and nothing has changed. He makes me happy no matter what and I've had some of my best bitch sessions with him. I'm so happy knowing that he's coming back next year and that we'll have plenty more crazy drinking and dancing sessions together.
Azleen: That crazy girl, I love her to death. She's always got something to say and it's usually absolutely hilarious. She'll also be coming back next year and that makes me so happy. She's a little ray of sunshine and always makes me smile.
Monique: She's such an amazingly beautiful girl. She's sweet to everyone and was the girst girl I met here. I'll always love her so dearly, even if she's changed a lot over the past year, mostly because of her influential boyfriend. I try not to think about that and continue to think about what an amazing person she is and how much I enjoy having her around.
William: The influential boyfriend. It's not that I don't like him but he's basically a total tool. Academically he's brilliant but when it comes to social smarts, he's a fucking moron. I still get along with him just fine but I'd like him a lot more if he wasn't such a terrible boyfriend.
Emma: A poor, immature young girl. She's quite smart and could probably be a very nice person if she didn't hang out with the wrong crowd. She just needs to do a lot of growing up. I'm still very civilised with her, mainly because she's in all of my classes, but I know I'll like her a lot more in five years time when she's not such a dumbass.
Allira: Some days she can be a really lovely person. On other days she simply uses people and doesn't give a shit about them. So it's difficult to say whether I like her or not. She's got a personality which is more than I can say for other people. But our personalities do clash a little and we'll never be overly close.
Lucy: I've tried a lot harder this year to like her, but with little success. She's also one of those girls who needs to grow up and realise that not everything is about her. Unfortunately she's just not a very nice person and no matter how hard I try, we're never going to be what one would call friends. I try to be nice to her but that's as far as it goes.
Ajay: Such a beautiful boy. I love having him around, he's so good for deep and meaningful conversations. Oh, and massages. He gives the best massages I've ever had. He's still thinking over whether he's coming back or not but I really hope he does because he makes me smile, no matter what.
Gemma: A girl who has a ability to drive me crazy, even when she doesn't say anything. She annoys everyone, it's actually quite amazing. I know she'll be back next year because she loves it here which does not make any sense at all because she hardly has any friends. But I guess she makes for interesting conversation so atleast that's one good thing.
Claire: Possibly one of the most emotional girls here. It's impossible to have a conversation with her without her starting to cry or generally whinge about something. She should not be in this industry but there's no telling what her ambitions are. She'll be back next year, it goes without saying. But to me she's just a nice enough girl with a few issues.
KV: One of the funniest guys I know. He's such a character and although he's stoned every time I see him, I still manage to have some of the best conversations with him. He's generally an amazingly friendly person and I find myself being happy to have him around. He's fantastic.
Nora: One of the most sweet and innocent girls I know. This will be the last time I see her because she's in Level 3.1 and will have graduated before I get back to school next year. I'm going to miss her so much because she reminds me that people can actually be friendly and positive about life. She's such a good person and I'll be friends with her forever.
Michael: One of the best guys in Level 3.1 and always full of life. Whether he's supervising me in Front Office or partying hard with me at a school party, I always have a good time with him. I'm going to miss him so much when he leaves but hey, that's what Facebook's for!
The Twins: Ahhh, Bec and Jen. Two of the most wonderful, if not THE most wonderful, girls in Level 1. And there's really not that many to choose from. They both have so much energy and are genuinely nice people. They're coming back next year and I'm looking forward to having them around for events such as Girls' Pub Crawl.
Jared: He really is a nice guy. I know I sometimes catch myself saying shit about him but that's because we've got a messy history. As friends, we're great. As more than friends, we're also great, unless the shit hits the fan and we're left feeling confused. But I really do love him - as a friend - and hope he comes back next year. I guess we'll just have to wait and see.
Tom - Another nice guy who sometimes, like the one just mentioned, forgets what he's doing and does something which leaves people hating him. But he's still a great guy and a great friend and we joke all the time about the most senseless crap. He's truly beautiful.
Mitchell - My fellow Shire boy. I can't even imagine not having him here. Our conversations are always interesting and I know we can joke about anything and not feel stupid about it. He's like my big cuddly teddy bear and I know if he left the hugs that I get just wouldn't be the same. He's one of my boys.
Marius - Such a character. We've gotten so much closer over the past few weeks then we did at the beginning of the school year. Now he's fantastic to have around and without him I wouldn't be able to sing "Mr Jones" with anyone. And that would suck, right? He's a fantastic guy who's great to have a laugh with.
Phil - One of my best mates in Level 1. We can joke and talk about anything. One minute we'll have a serious conversation, the next we'll be playfully kicking the shit out of each other in the corridor. He's fantastic and needs to come back next year, he really doesn't have a choice because I'll make him. Plus we do everything together so I'd probably be rather bored if he wasn't around.
Alice - A beautiful girl who's genuine and friendly and such a generally nice person. There's no bullshit with her and that's what I love the most. She's one of those girls that everyone should just get along with because she brings everyone down to Earth and reminds us all that we're all here together and should be one big happy family. God love her!
Vik: One of my best mates in my level. He's like my little brother but he looks out for me at the same time. We have so much in common, work well together, play well together, anything really. I'm sure gonna miss him and our crazy times together but I'll be calling him all the time to give him plenty of shit.