(no subject)

Mar 05, 2008 10:56

I've managed to get by for most of this pregnancy without stereotypical "things people do to pregnant ladies" happening to me (no strangers touching me, no one saying "you're so huge!", etc.).

But now that I'm in the home stretch, the ladies that work in the other offices in my building have taken it upon themselves to talk to me every time they see me (at the front door, in the restroom, in the hallways), usually saying such gems as:

"Wow, you sure have dropped!" (Thanks for noticing.)
"I'm surprised you're still here!" (Uh, ok.)
"Haven't you had that baby yet?" (Is there a reply one can give to this one?)
"Aren't you ready to be induced yet?" (WTF, NO!)
"You're still taking the stairs!?!" (Yep, good to stay in shape!)
"Look at your cute waddle!" (Ok, this is a step above "you're so huge!", but really?)
"Are you getting excited?" (???)

I don't know... it's so weird that people who normally wouldn't chitchat with me now want to talk to me all the time, but have nothing useful to say.

grub, people, pregnancy

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