This might be old news, I'm not sure (am soooooooo behind on friends list, which is really quite pathetic given how small it is!), but I just read
this Advocate interview with the Fab 5. And may I just say: Ted/Carson 4-EVA! Theirloveissodestructive! Also, Ted uses the word "peeps". More than once. With anyone else, this would be annoying as hell. Yet when Ted says it, it is oddly endearing and squee-worthy. Huh. I really liked the section where they responded to claims that the show reinforces stereotypes. ("Bitch, please.") Anyway, it's a fun read.
Also, I know for a fact that this has been recced practically everywhere by now, but what the hell. I am adding my voice to the mix. If you have not yet seen Seah and Margie's amazing Odyssey 5 vid,
Haunted, you must go download it NOW. Holy fuck. I've watched it about 30 times in the past 24 hours, and am blown away every time. And that was not a metaphor. (Seriously, watch the vid and you'll understand.) I had never even heard of this show, knew absolutely nothing about it, and yet in less than 5 minutes S&M have managed to communicate the basic plot, the identities of the main characters, how they're related to one another, what their motivations are, AND they got me to become emotionally invested in these fictional people. Without even knowing their names. This vid kicks ass. (You can also get it on the
VividCon DVD. Plug plug plug.)
I am now desperate to get my hands on Odyssey 5 episodes. I MUST SEE THIS SHOW. I think it has something to do with the Earth blowing up. For some reason, I am drawn like a magnet to stories in which humanity is wiped out. It just fascinates me. Like Stephen King's The Stand, my most favorite book of all time. Or
anniesj's fic
The Last Summer, one of the very few fics I've read that I truly enjoyed. (Which reminds me, I keep meaning to rent "On The Beach" but haven't gotten around to it yet. Must do it soon.) I don't know why the destruction of the human race is so entertaining to me. I mean, it's not like I have fantasies about dropping bombs on people or whatever. But the survivor's plight is amazingly compelling. What would you do if you were one of the only survivors? How would you stay alive, how would your life change, how would you choose to rebuild humanity (if you chose to at all), which aspects of the human race would you perpetuate (intentionally or not) and which would be lost forever? If a story addresses these questions, God, I could eat it up with a spoon.
Tried searching for O5 eps on Kazaa, to no avail. Someone said that they had been posted on alt.binaries.multimedia.sci-fi a while back, but my newsserver has crappy retention so I missed it. If anyone out there could point me in the direction of O5 episodes available for download, I will gladly be your bitch. There might be sexual favors involved.