So.. By crawling back online and getting back on this darnded Bunny (thats the internet if ya didn't know.. but then, if you didn't know, you just aren't cool enough.. hehe.. ) I have found, once again, that blasts from the past come in huge waves, no... walls, hurling at you at mach speed through time and space!! (wow. tangent if I do say so.) And many times, they are all warm and fuzzy.. People don't forget..
Over the years people drift in odd circles.. cicles though.. almost always leading back to an origin..
Y'all know who you are, and I love ya.. Sorry I was gone so long..
Old stories, new stories.. Its a beautiful thing.. Just got off the phone with Andrew, whom I have known for a good 10 years, and lost contact with until now. wow.. =) is it really 3:00AM already?
I got back on LJ and AIM.. I miss "blogging".. I miss having memorable discussions and rants about every silly little thought that wags its tail and leaves its ahem.. gifts... pooo.. ;o) on my computer screen..