Hey there everyone! Sorry its been so long since I've posted.... but.... well, I haven't really been busy... just, preoccupied? Heh....
Anyways... just wanted to let you know that updates to Getting to Know You, Trapped in a Lie, and Shoulder should be coming out soonish... as soon as the beta has gotten a hold of them. Which might be hard since Sha's out of service for the next three weeks, but oh wells.
Also.... plot bunnies have recently hit me, so look for two new stories to come out sometime in the nearish future... hopefully.
The community for the Season 3 rewrite with Rose that I've been participating in is now open to the public... so if anyone is interested... here's a link:
community.livejournal.com/dr_2nd_chances/ and the story I wrote is called A Chiswick Christmas Carol, or a rewrite of Runaway Bride. Parts 1-5 are now up, and 6-8 and the epilogue are written, and are currently with the beta. Hope you enjoy.
In other news... if you haven't gone to see Karate Kid or Iron Man 2 yet, GO SEE THEM. THEY ARE AMAZING AND AWESOME!!!! Specially Karate Kid.
Finally, today is my 21st birthday, so happy birthday to me... and it's my golden birthday too actually. (For those who don't live in the Midwest, either wiki or ask someone from the Midwest to explain. It isn't hard). And before you ask, no... I didn't take advantage of my now legal age... sorry.
G'Night all!