I haven’t been that creative for the past 15 months due to other “inconveniences” but
babydracky and
Le_Mouton created Smallearth (
http://community.livejournal.com/smallearth/ ) and lured me into writing
again….they even let me win two beautiful banners for my fics;)
So I decided that I wanted to share my writing with all of you.
I hope you like it.
Title : What I do best
Prompt: What do you think Green Arrow is doing best
Characters/Pairings: Oliver Green
Rating : PG
Words :100
Warning :None
Summary : Oliver thinks about the answer he gave Clark
A/N: I am so not use to writing so please be gentle or I will cry and never write again;)
All he had to do was ask his League, he thought.
He was sure they would all come up with a different answer.
But he was the leader, he couldn’t go ask questions like that.
He had formed the League from a wish for saving the world, but as it turned out the world was a big place.
But baby steps was worth something right??
One villain at the time, that was how it was done, finding them, planning the attack and taking them down.
That was how you saved the world, and that was what Oliver Green did best.
Title : Rockets
Prompt: "Why the JL 'or one of them' thinks the code name Impulse fits Bart ?"
Characters/Pairings : Chloe
Rating :PG
Words : 100
Warning :No Bart^^
Summary : It doesn’t take a genius to figure that out….
Of cause they needed codenames, something that suited their personality, right??
They choose their own names, well most of them anyway.
Bart was sort of ”busy” when he had to choose his, so Chloe chose it for him.
She knew Bart liked her so he would love her choice.
So when Oliver was asking for a code name for Bart, Chloe just uttered one word; Impulse.
After all, in physics Impulse was the ability to make a rocket move at the speed it did, and just by looking at Bart running , Chloe thought that everyone would get the picture.
Title : Whining
Prompt: "Why the JL 'or one of them' thinks the code name Impulse fits Bart ?"
Characters/Pairings : Not pairing but Oliver and Bart
Rating :PG
Words : 100
Warning :None
Summary : How the need for food can lead to codenames
“Christ” Oliver shouted, “do you want some cheese to go with that whine??”
Bart starred at him, “`m not whining”, he whined, “but I am kind of hungry, cheese would be fine.”
He looked up at Oliver with a bright smile on his face: “I’ve heard that France have great cheeses, why don`t I go there for my snack?”
And in a flash of red he was gone.
Oliver shook his head and turned towards the other league members.
“Impulse”, he stated.
Bart was the most impulsive kid Oliver had ever met, so the codename just fitted him to well.